Part 1

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"Cass? Cass? Helllloooo?" I heard as someone was shaking me, waking me up. I opened my eyes to see a nervous Sid, standing infront of me with a plate full of food.

"Jesus Cass, I thought you were dead or something." Sid said, shaking his head and putting his food down on the table.

"Oh... I must have fallen asleep. Wow. Woah Sid, that's a lot of food. You must be hungry."

"I got a bit of a hangover..are you gonna eat that?" He said, pointing to the apple on the table infront of me.

"Oh yeah. Totally." I said picking up the apple. I really wasn't going to eat it, but Sid wouldn't notice.

Just then Tony walked over, meaning Sid would be leaving too.

"Oh, Hi Tony. Wow, look at the time. I've got to go." I said, standing up rather reluctantly. I bent over, kissing Sid on the cheek and then turned away. I walked out of the cafeteria, heading towards the front of the building. I sprinted down the hallway until I reached the end. Gasping for air, I pushed the door open and picked up my pace again. I ran out into the middle of the field ahead of me, and collapsed on the ground. I shut my eyes, feeling for the spliff I had in my bag somewhere. I threw my head back, frustrated that I couldn't find my spliff container. 

"Cass? You okay? Here let me see that." Chris said as he plopped down next to me, taking my bag out of my hands. A moment later he had a little tin container in his hand, ripping it open. He lit up the joint I had rolled and laid down in the grass. I laid down on the ground next to him, taking the joint out of his hand.



"Do you think that cloud looks like an elephant?" I said laughing. He laughed too, and then we sat in silence, finishing the rest of the joint. 

"Sid was looking for you, you know. Earlier. Said he needed to talk to you, but you ran off when Tony showed up." Chris said finally, sitting up. 

"Oh wow. I'll see him later...wait, Chris, don't you have class?"

"Yeah. Fuck it."

I laughed, reaching into my bag. I pulled out two pills, handing Chris one. "Yeah, fuck it."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2014 ⏰

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