Ch 9

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“You do know its kind of creepy that your hiding in my room, borderline stalkerish.” I responded.

“Its not like I can talk to you in front of everyone. How was meeting your future husband?” Marcus asked with jealousy seeping out of his pores.

“Oh just peachy, We are already planning the baby making,”I said sarcastically.”How do you think its going? Im basically signing my life away willingly.”

“Well no one has a gun to your head. Make one wonder if you are just another power hungry slut, sleeping her way up the ladder, first me, soon King Joseph.” I slapped marcus as soon as the bitter words left his lips.

“No gun? No, you’re right, what I have is much worse. If the decision is between my 11 year old sister and me, of course I am going to throw myself in front of the bullet, the grenade, or whatever is thrown our way. Hell for a king who loves his little girl so damn much, he was willing to offer her up on a silver platter. And I don’t know if you are delusional or what but I never slept with you. Why the hell do you even care Marcus, you are getting married! So how about you worry about her instead! Where is my dear step daughter anyways?”

“She’ll be here tomorrow. And you know if I didn’t have to, then I wouldn’t.” Marcus began with his tired old explanation.

“You don’t have to, you not having the balls to stand up to daddy doesn’t count as an excuse!” I screamed but before I could say anymore he was in front of me with his hands wrapped around my throat.

“How dare you speak to me like that you whore maid! Do you know who the hell I am?” He yelled. I clawed at his hands trying to get air to my lungs. I felt my body lifting from the floor and I kicked and squirmed as much as I could. It was no use, he was stronger than me.

“Answer me you Bitch! Who the hell do you think you are?” He roared.

“A fuh-king que –een mutha-fuh-“ he squeezed my throat tighter. Black spots were flickering through my vision.

“I suggest you let her go.” I heard.

“And who the hell are you? This is my castle! You don’t tell me what to do in my own home.” Marcus said.

“Ill ask again, Let the future queen go!” Gabriel said calmly.

“Make m-“ before Marcus could finish his sentence I was released and the air rushed back to my lungs. I struggled to breathe as I grabbed at my neck. I saw Gabriel on top of Marcus punching him, then he grabbed his and pulled him out of my room as though he was pulling a rag doll. I was in disbelief at what my eyes were seeing. He shut the door behind him and just like that, it was all over. ]

As curious as I was, I didn’t get up to see what was happening, I just laid there on the floor, trying to catch my breath as my eyes started to struggle to stay open. I was suddenly so very sleepy.

Gabriel POV

As I slammed the door in the princess face, I smiled hearing her huff and puff stomping away. I cant believe I have to be here with this spoiled entitled brat, doing everything she wants. I mean, I have to admit she’s pretty hot but still probably as stuck up as all royals. I laid back on the bed  and closed my eyes and allowed my my to wander.

“You don’t have to, you not having the balls to stand up to daddy doesn’t count as an excuse!” I heard Faith scream. I heard her arguing with somebody.  I was going to ignore it when I heard her screaming with a struggle. I jumped up and threw open her door to see a guy who looked strikingly similar to King Mark choking Faith.  My blood boiled. ONE THING I can not for the life of me stand is a woman beater, no matter how spoiled the brat is.

“I suggest you let her go.” I said as calmly as I could.

“And who the hell are you? This is my castle! You don’t tell me what to do in my own home.” The entitled asshole replied.

“Ill ask again, Let the future queen go!” I repeated clenching my fist.

“Make m-“ before he could finish his sentence I tackled him which made him release Faith.I sat on top of him punching him, then I got up, grabbing him and pulling him out of Faiths room . I threw him into the wall which gave me just enough time to close the door.  My father taught me that it was disrespectful to fight in the presence of a lady. He shut the door behind him and just like that, it was all over.

‘You stupid filth, I’ll have your head for this.” He spat. So I guess I was right, he was a royal.

“Try me, while you’re at it, you can explain why you were strangling the future queen of my kingdom.” I retorted.

He unexpectedly threw a punch which hit me on the corner of the jaw.

“This isn’t over, death will be the only end to this.” He said as he retreated . I rolled my eyes, so dramatic. I made my way back to Faiths room and saw she was lying still on the floor, I ran to her, and thankfully she was still breathing, I gently lifted her body up and put her on the bed and called the King Josephs royal healer, which so happened to be one of my best friends to check on her and keep it between us.

Im not sure what this girl has gotten herself into but it is up to me to make sure she survives, at least until we know for sure if the treaty will go through.

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