EPILOGUE: Bitter or Sweet?

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It has been days... No... Even weeks...

Jane has been avoiding people

She doesn't even hang out with Myka and the others anymore...

Myka has been really worried so I decided to tell her everything

We both pitied her though we know that we can't do anything

My patience run loose.

It's already dismissal.

I went to Jake.

Luckily, Aria wasn't with him so I decided to use this opportunity and said that I need to talk to him, man to man.

He was hesitant at first but he agreed in the end

We went to this park, there were no people.

When we already settled I punched him on the face

He was pissed

"What the hell was that for?!" he said really pissed

"Damn you! Shit! Bull shit! It's your fault that Jane is all screwed! Bring her back to how she was before! Please... Let her smile..."

If I were violent at first right now I'm crying as I hold his collar.

He was silent.

"What does it take for you to go to her?"

I started to ask.

He was shocked at first but his expression went to normal afterwards then he said

"I want to go to her but..."

"Then why don't you just go to her?!"

"My dad won't allow me..."

I don't know why but I felt like something snapped inside of me that made me punch him

"Then I'll rephrase my question! What does it take to open your eyes?! You're such a coward! Stop thinking just yourself, bastard! So what if you're father won't allow you?! He isn't the one who orders every move you do, you know! Have you even tried to fight for what you want?! Can't you see she's suffering?! Are you that blind?! Damn I gave her up for you yet this is what you do?! Damn! Wake up man! Wake up!" 

As I said those words I continued to punch him and once I got tired I pushed him aside and sat on the ground and cried

"She's already miserable... Don't make it worse... She's crying, suffering... Why can't you understand it, huh?! I've given her up for you! Are you really Jake?! How di you become such a coward?! Answer me!" I demanded

"Please... Please let her smile... She's like a family to me... She's important to me... Why can't you understand it? Why can't you get it?" I wailed 

"I understand it... I get it..."

"Then why?! Why can't you go to her?! Why won't you save her?! 'Cause your daddy won't allow you?!He's not the one who decides everything you know! Screw hell man!! Screw hell! Tch. I might kill you if I stayed here a little longer. I'm going" I said as I storm out

End of Chad's P.O.V-

Jake's P.O.V-

"Then you should just stay and kill me" I thought as he walks away

I went home and bang my head on the wall

Shit! Damn! Damn! Damn!

Why can't I do anything for her?!

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