i'm sorry ii

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dear tori,

i'm sorry again. i'm sorry that i only hugged you once because our drama group was going to go to see some stupid play i couldn't care less about, i only cared about hugging you, even though there was nothing behind that hug but excitement. i'm sorry i didn't let you tell me your problems like you did with everyone else and i'm sorry for not doing anything and admiring from afar because you can't truly admire art from a long distance away. i'm sorry i never gave you a hello or even a smile, because i loved when you did that to me.

i'm sorry i asked stupid susie miller to homecoming because my friends told me she was hot, i'm sorry i didn't ask you and have a fun time. i'm sorry you didn't even go. i'm sorry i stood by and let my friends make fun of you the week after. i'm sorry i'm weak and stupid, and i'm sorry that i didn't try to change or make you happy.

please forgive me,


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