Historical Betrayal

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I watched Lily flip through an old magazine laying on our living room couch, as we waited for mom to come and talk to us about an “important” issue. Mom has been acting really worried and a little paranoid ever since Grandpa has been put in the hospital because of his serious heart problem last week. My mom is mostly agonized for grandma,  because she spends  a lot of time alone in her house.To help mom and Grandma through this difficulty and agonizing time I often visit Grandpa or  stay at Grandma’s house as company. Lily sat up straight and shut the magazine closed as my mom walked into the living room.

“Oh, Good afternoon Mrs. Morgans” Lily said clearing her throat to sound respectful and cheerful.

“Good afternoon Lily” Mom said with a faint smile. Mom turned  to face me “Philip” she started,

“Ok, mom I know, I’ll go...” I said completing mom’s sentence, every day after school mom sends me to accompany Grandma, play chess with her or play Monopoly, it obvious grandma and I both are a little fed up of this routine, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

“No, Philip it’s enough just playing games for an hour and coming home, rnadma needs heping clealing out the attic, basement, and garage...and I told her you would be more than happy to do so...and”  Mom continued,

“Mom, serously? Do expect me to spend every single day and weekend at grandpa’s? I have a life too it’s just becoming too much now” pleaded to my mom and racked my fingers through my hair.

“But sweet heart you have Lily to keep you company, right Lily?” mom said smiling at Lily for agreement. Lily shook her head manically in agreement.

“Of course Mrs.Morgan” she said

Lily has been my best friend since kindergarden, even though is not common  to hear a guy say i had a best friend, Lily is defifntely a close sister to me. Her house is right acroos the street from our house, so she’s basically here everyday, but every time she sees my parents she acts nervous as though its the first time she’s ever seen them, which is probably because she doesn’t have a mom and only a father, who is extremely strict. If Lily goes with me to Grandpa’s place today as well I guess I’ll have to go.

“Alright mom, but you really owe me big time, you that right?” I said jokingly as I punched her arm lightly and lovinngly. Being the oldest guy in our house, actually the only child makes you really close to your parents especially your mom.

“Oh thank you Philip” her face radiated with joy, she really loved it when I spent my time accompaying Grandma, and visiting Grandpa in the hospital.

I grabbed my white cap with navy stripes as I headed outside with Lily, she as usual wore her knee high pink socks and puff skirt, with a mathcing puff sleeve poka dotted top. I always made fun of her puffy side bangles, but she says it’s the fashion trend for every girl. Mom thinks we dress freaky and out of fashion, but honestly her pictures which are about 15 years back are in black and white and show mom and dad both with extremely puffy and volumulized hair and rainbow shirts-now thats weird.

I walked slowly down the street with Lily on my left, we were heading for milkshakes before visiting my Grandpa, and then visiting Grandma to help her clean her attic, and her garage, and mom’s list of jobs for me goes on. We walked queitly down the street when we noticed a group of black activists standing infront of the New York City Hall, I respect black and acknowledge that they wanted equal rights, but I’m not really into politics nor do I think I will ever anything important  enoguh for the governemnt to acknowledge from me.

“WE WANT EQUAL RIGHTS! WE WANT EQUAL RIGHTS! The black commnity bellowed loudly through the City Hall gates with their signs flying in the air frantically.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2012 ⏰

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