Chapter 16 Here's the plan... (LAST CHAPPY!)

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"The Mayonaka are cruel unforgiving people. They have no goal and don't give a crap about Peace. They're all S-ranked criminals but in small groups of two we have a chance to defeat them." I began then handed them a small report I got from an insider about the Mayonaka.

"The first one is Arashi, he's the leader."

"HE'S A FUCKING JASHINIST?!?!?" Hidan yelled and I simply nodded.

Name: Arashi (leader)        
Age: 26 
Personality: Cocky, smart, organized thoughts, strong, fast, dark, quiet.
Looks: Blond yellow gold messy hair, grey eyes, pale skin, accessories, tall.
Fighting styles: (jashinist), ghost technique, mystery cards

"He also has the ghost technique and mystery cards, that's a pretty deadly combination.." Sasori added.

"The fuck is that?"

"I'll tell you later idiot.. What else can you tell us about the leader?"

"All I know besides that is he's bisexual. When he reads on his mystery card that someone is going to die, he gives them the kiss of death. A promise that if they go in a certain battle they may not survive." I said and they're eyes widened slightly.

"Who's next?" Kakuzu asked.

"Hayao, he's the second in command I guess you could say. He sticks to Arashi the way Konan sticks to Pein."

Name: Hayao
Age: 24
Personality: Honorable to his allies, concern-able, smart, quiet.
Looks: Phantom white hair, greenish brown hawk like eyes, pale, red face markings. 
Fighting styles: Hawk summoning, earth style, can read minds.

"He can read minds?" Sasori said narrowing his eyes.

"Yes but he won't be able to read you three's minds. Considering your all immortal and all."

"Where's the rest of the information?"

"My insider couldn't get anything on anyone else but he's working on it. For now he could only give me the names of them all. On the male side there is Rygar,  Ryuu Takeda the youngest, Alvion, Shinu Tenashi, and....That's it? WHAT?! I was told there were only THREE girls! Not SIX! I'M GONNA STRANGLE THAT SON OF A-

"MISAKI!" Sasori yelled snapping my thoughts back to the Mayonaka.

"Oh, yeah, right..Ok well on the female side that apparently has SIX instead of-

"We fucking get the picture bitch now-

I cut Hidan off by punching him in the face and across the room. Then I blew the steam off my fist as Hidan slowly collapses off the wall looking like silly puddies slowly being peeled off a wall. 

"I can only handle being interrupted once." I said simply before reading off the girls names. "Leiko, Akira, Yuiko Tadashi, Karina Tenshi, Ariada, and Uri Yama."

"U-Uri Yama?!"

"...........Um..Yes?" I said a little surprised by Hidan's outburst.

"I fucking know her!"

"You d-

"Of course I fucking-"

I cut Hidan off by getting up to punch him again but he jumped back out of the way.

"I can't fucking tell you anything if you break my fucking jaw!"

I groaned but knew he was right so I sat back down and let him speak.

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