Enough. Part 2

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I should keep my secrets from Elsa. She can't know why I'm not happy or that I have powers. It was pretty impossible for her to have them too. I glanced at my mom's photo frame on my table lamp. Sigh. Tears started running down my face.

I missed her so much...

I really should go back to sleep now.


The next day...

I woke up to my alarm clock beside me. I took a bath and wore perfect clothes that I thought would be suitable for today. It's pretty casual though.

I went downstairs and ate with Emma, Danny and my dad. Today I decided to go with Elsa to school. Since we're neighbors, I waited outside her house for her. I know she's still inside cause her shoes were still there.

I decided to listen to 'Love Story' on my phone while waiting for her to come out.

Eventually I heard a noise behind me and also a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and face Elsa. She wore simple clothes too.

"What are you doing here?" She asked as she examined my body from head to toe.

"I was waiting for you so we could go together." I answered.

"Oh okay. Let's go with my mom's car. Let me just get her and Anna."

"Sure. Take your time." I plugged in my earphones back.


I heard a squeal from inside the house. It must be Anna. Wow her squeal hurts my ears!

Then it stopped.

Elsa comes back with Anna and her mom. Anna kept grinning at me.

"You must be Jack Frost. The one my daughter's been talking about." The woman smiled and points at me.

"Mama..." Elsa says, tugging her mom's shirt. Her cheeks pink as Emma's dolls.

"Yes I am. But we're not dating ma'am." I smiled back. I glanced at Elsa. She looked down a bit.

"Okaaay. Let's go mama. We're gonna be late." Anna breaks the awkward silence.

I went for the front seat with their mom while the Bukatet Sisters go for the backseats. Me and her chat a little.

₩e soon arrive at the school and Anna & Elsa say goodbyes to their mom.

Anna followed me & Elsa to the school doors.

I pushed two two big doors and just as we were about to even step inside...


Camera flashes, paparazzi, students everywhere!


Awesome Fred survived! He still can't make pizza though... :(

Bye guys! Peace yo!

Stay cool

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