Chapter 16-Waking to the World

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Brinn groaned and tried to open her eyes. Her skull throbbed in revolt. She clutched her head in her hands and then wondered if her eyes had been glued shut along with her mouth. Panicked, she forced herself upright—and then wished she hadn’t. The room spun as her eyes began to focus. Her stomach churned and her mouth tasted like the bitter algae that grew at the bottom of a stagnant pond. She swallowed and grimaced. Her sluggish mind snapped to attention—she had no idea where she was or how she'd gotten there.

She sat frozen in the big bed and took in her surroundings. She waited for the nausea to pass. Light streamed in between drawn blinds and cast golden stripes across a plush white carpet, forcing her to squint and blink to clear her vision. Everything looked so clean and tidy, the walls painted a light gray. The color reminded her of the morning mist that rose in clouds around her in the mountains. There was an overstuffed blue armchair with a small table next to the window, and a wall-length cabinet housing a television set with rows of books on either side. She noted the titles were all about photography. 

A connection clicked. This must be Justin's home. He had rescued her last night from those awful men. The memory came back in a flood, but she could touch only bits and pieces of the night before. The effort brought another wave of crushing pain to her head. She rubbed her temples.

She couldn’t remember coming here. She looked down at the light blue checked comforter and lifted the layers of blankets. Her dress had been removed and she was wearing a man's button-down shirt and her underwear. Realization dawned and a funny sensation crept through her. Justin had undressed her.

She suddenly felt vulnerable and bare. Anything could have happened last night and she wouldn’t have been able to protect herself. A shudder passed through her, acid creeping up in her throat. She pulled the soft blanket tight to her chest. She would never let this happen again. A small sense of relief washed over her when she noticed her knife, sheathed and resting at the ready on the table next to the bed.

"Hi, there." Justin pushed the door open slowly and entered with a steaming cup of aromatic coffee, which immediately made Brinn feel a bit better. He tentatively sat on the edge of the bed and handed her the hot mug. Gingerly sipping the golden sweet liquid, Brinn closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. Coffee was a rare treat and he’d prepared it exactly how she liked it.

"I thought a cup of coffee might be a good start. Is it all right?" he asked softly.

“It’s perfect,” she smiled ruefully, "But can you take my head into the next room and empty it of all the rocks? Maybe then my stomach will stop trying to climb out of my body."

Justin chuckled, conscientiously trying not to be too loud. "How much do you remember about last night?" 

Brinn sipped her coffee and contemplated the answer that drifted like fog in her mind. "I remember having dinner with Abby and Phillip. Then Phillip took us to the horse place where there were lots of people and loud music. I remember those men trying to take me, and then...I remember you..." She gazed into his sympathetic brown eyes, pictures becoming clearer. Her face flushed with heat. “You took my clothes off.”

“You were sick so I had to wash your clothes.” He smiled teasingly. “Besides, I owed you for stealing mine.”

She wanted to smile but a sick feeling sank into her stomach. “You didn’t... I didn’t...did you...?”

“Nothing happened, Brinn. You were sick and I took care of you. That’s all. I slept on the couch.” His reassuring smile sent her fear back to its dark corner. Relieved, she gave him a look of gratitude. Another memory came to mind.

"I remember flying to heaven and finding my parents, but that can't be right."

"You’re kind of right. I told you last night that your parents are alive. I spoke to your mother a few days ago. I told her I was a reporter following up on missing children. She said that they’ve never stopped looking for you. I didn't tell her you were alive, but I know they would want to know about you. I just thought you’d like to be the one to tell them."

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