Chapter five

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Everything was eerily still for several moments.  All of the wizards lay dead except for one.  The mother slowly curled herself around the (now crystal) spire.  I noticed the egg was no longer blue, but several shades of pale colors resembling the shattered fires of the father.  I sniffled and wiped tears from my eyes, I couldn't help but think about my own parents.

The she-dragon clung to the spire and freed a long keening moan.  She wound her neck around the crystal, and settled her head next to the egg.  No Choice. I heard her whisper in my head. 

The wizard advanced to the edge of the pit.  I knew what would happen next. I tried to close my eyes and look away, but this was all in my head . . . I couldn't stop it.

The wizard raised his hand, and hissed strange, twisted words that I had no hope of understanding.  His newfound emerald power circled his body. The she-dragon snarled, her eyes where no longer angry.  They were cold.

This was a showdown.

                                                                             * * * * *

The dragon raised her head and made a series of clicks, similar to a beetle. The sound sent chills up my arms and down my spine. The wizard only laughed more filling every nook and cranny in the surrounding rocks, as if everything lurking in the shadows were watching, and laughing. The she-dragon snorted, unimpressed, and the wizard sprang at her. He leaped the chasm like it was nothing then everything happened so fast i nearly missed it in a blink. In mid-leap the wizard drew a shimmering black sword. The dragon hummed and closed her eyes. A warm, gentle glow surrounded the egg. Crystal rapidly climbed around it.

The wizard, knowing he didn't stand a chance, threw the sword, and with it a spiral of vicious green energy. The dragon roared and reared up. Water started falling from the cliffs above. Just as the sword was about to strike her chest, the water consumed them both. I couldn't tell if the wizard had killed her, or if the water had. I only heard him scream as he fell toward the pit. The falling water dived after him, taking on the form of a serpent as it fell, jaws wide open, and ready to swallow him whole.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2013 ⏰

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