Chapter 2 - New Life

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Thank you to all who read this! Even though only five people read the first chapter, it meant the world to me! Please leave comments!


Chapter 2 - New Life

I was terrified. What would happen and become of me? Was I going to be killed? Questions chased each other in my head, occasionally bouncing off the walls and giving me a throb. I didn't even think of running. Everything of me had numbed when Jackson rejected me as a mate. I was still trying to come to terms with me. My wolf was pacing and pawing my heart, making that organ ache and irritate slightly. All thoughts of my current situation were chased out as the voices of Jackson and my family reverberated in my mind. 'When he sees that it's you, he won't accept you. Who would want someone as ugly and small as you?' 'The family name Fairs has nothing to do with that thing.' 'Serves you right.' But what hurt me the most were the four simple words that Jackson had said. 'I don't want you.' Tears threatened to overflow. I tried to hold them back. I didn't want these werewolves to see me anymore vulnerable than they already had.

We had walked for some time already and the half-moon was shining brightly overhead, illuminating anything within a five-metro radius from us. Our way was lit, in a sense, and our heightened sense of hearing allowed us to detect even the whistle of the wind or the rustling of the leaves. I did not feel threatened by any surrounding rogues on this unfamiliar territory when I was near the boys even if they were strangers to me. They emanated a strong aura about them. All of a sudden, just as I had stepped over a purplish pebble, a jolt of electricity seemed to course through my entire body. I shuddered involuntarily at the shock and slight pain and gave a little yelp. I noticed out of the corner of my eye the three boys shiver a bit too.

"Wh-What was th-that?" I stammered. The Alpha paused a moment to recover before answering me, "Just a little - uh - charm of sorts." I felt my jaw drop a bit. Had the big Alpha just hesitated? And was he smiling at me? I stared a bit, focusing more intently. Yes, he was definitely grinning like a Cheshire Cat. I gazed in confusion and looked behind me. The purple rock was still there but I realised for the first time that several other pebbles were scattered in a jagged line that bent oddly to form the arc of a semicircle. I looked back and saw the two twins grinning too. When the three werewolves smiled, they looked less menacing and much gentler and definitely more handsome.

"You see," one of the twins began, "our pack here is pretty small. We're powerful but numbers aren't really in our favour. We are kind of paran -"

"Our Alpha is kind of paranoid about rogues," the other twin interrupted and continued with a pointed look at the golden-haired boy. The Alpha growled, glaring at the cheeky twin but also with an unmistakable glint of humour in his green eyes. The second twin resumed, "We got some person to cast a charm on a bunch of pebbles and spread them out in a circle around our inner pack territory -"

"Namely the pack house and practice field," the first twin cut in. "When a rogue or werewolf with evil intentions steps over the charmed rocks, they feel perfectly fine. But when a normal wolf who doesn't mean harm crosses, they feel a jolt or something like you experienced. We thought that rogues getting electrocuted would bring on a full scale fight," the twin explained at my quizzical look. When I fully thought about it, I did get their point.

"And, now that we now you are practically harmless," the Alpha said, "I think we can move on to being acquaintances. I'm the Alpha, as you might have noticed, and my name is Kyle Marun. These two irritable twins over here are -" "Cole Anderson and, my far uglier brother, Chance," the twin closer to me said, stretching out his hand to shake mine. "If I'm ugly, than what are you?" the twin, Chance, asked, obviously miffed. "Exceedingly handsome," Cole replied simply, smoothing back his hair. Chance roared with laughter. "We're twins, damn it! Identical twins!" he shouted.

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