I'm the shy girl no one notices...till now

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Chapter 1-

I’m the girl who you never see in the back of the classroom, the girl you never notice. I’m the girl no one with give a second glance at. It’s probably my fault ever since…’the accident’ I haven’t been the same since; the memories flood my dreams ever night waking me with tears streaming down my face. I walked into class taking a seat at my usual spot in the back corner, no one even acknowledged me as I settle myself in my seat praying for the day to go quick. I took out my Sketchbook, finishing off my drawing from yesterday.

I was drawing a picture of a fallen Angel, the angel’s wings outstretched as the person was crumbled up on the floor of a forest. Trees were shaded into the background and forefront also as the angel crumbled up on a tree. I sighed quietly as I continued shading in my drawing, I heard the teacher start talking at the front of the room but I didn’t pay her any attention.

Mrs never paid attention to me; I was surprised if she has ever noticed me. I continued shading when I heard the teach say.

“Go sit up the back next to…” She paused as I looked up, noticing the teacher was having trouble figuring out my name. I rolled my eyes, converting my eyes back down to my drawing.

“Just go sit up the back” She said a hint of frustration to her voice; I rolled my eyes again focusing on nothing but my drawing. I heard the scrap of a chair next to me but I choose to ignore it, I continued to add a few more details to my trees and environment when I felt someone looking over my shoulder not before I inhaled an intoxicating scent.

The smell was a mix between…Hmm, I guess a woody’s kind of smell but- I couldn’t put my finger on it; I know that he smelt tempting. I could still feel his presence over me and it was annoying me, I loved to draw alone, sit alone and I really didn’t like his company. Yes, I know it sounds like I’m a loner but every since everything has happened, I have come accustomed to being by myself.

“Nice Drawing” He husky voice sent chills down my spine, I choose to ignore him I really didn’t feel like talking.

“Silent treatment…Hmm, I don’t see what I did but you know…” He continued to babble about nothing…it was getting frustrating! I kept my breath steady, as he seemed to creep closer to me, I continued drawing until it was finished. Great, what was I going to do now; I was still not in the mood to talk to the idiot next to me.

“Give me a look,” he said snatching my Sketchbook out of my hand, I want to grab for it again but held it away from my reach. Stupid, idiot!

“Give it back” I whined trying to grab for my Sketchbook again, he chucked lowly as he flipped through pages and pages of my drawings. I rolled my eyes sick of fighting back for my Sketchbook and slumped in my seat, staring at the board where we were apparently learning about some book we were reading.

“You’re a really go drawer” He complimented sliding me back my book, I looked up and boy was he hot! He has short brown hair but it was tousled like he had only just waken up, his bluey/green eyes, his round jaw, gorgeous smile with his straight white teeth and pink lushes lips. He had little stubble on his chin, which went down a little near his Adams apple.

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