6: In Which She Takes a Bath

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6: In Which She Takes a Bath


A few days later, Jack was standing in front of the mirror, buttoning up a riding shirt. “Harriet Periwinkle has invited you over for brunch,” he said offhandedly, glancing at my reflection in the bed behind him

“Harriet who?” I asked lazily, stifling a yawn. A look at my phone revealed that it had just gone past seven.

“You know her. Her husband owns the stables over by the lake. That’s where I’m heading to right now.” Jack paused, running a comb through his neatly-cut mousy-brown hair. “He has a delightful thoroughbred that I –”

“Spare me,” I muttered, receiving a sharp look. I sighed. “I have to supervise the plumber, remember?” Supervise his díck, that is.

“Speaking of which,” Jack said, glancing at the open door of the bathroom, “how long is this supposed to take? I’m tired of the bathtub.”

I reddened and hid my face from him. “Oh, I don’t know. Old houses like this… There must be other rot and whatnot.”

“You might be right. At any rate, I trust Archibald. He hires only the best.”

“Exactly. So…I can’t possibly go out with Harriet today. I’ll phone and let her know. Once I’m fully awake of course.”

“Fair enough. I’ll be back quite late, though.”

“That’s okay.”

“Sure?” He gave me a curious look, obviously shocked that I wasn’t throwing a tantrum.

“Positive,” I said. “Absolutely positive.”


“Ever thought about piercing these things?” Vaughn tweaked one of my nipples with his fingers. I leaned back into him, turning off the tap with my feet.

“Ever thought about piercing this?” I shot one hand underwater beneath me and grabbed his cóck.

He jumped. “You’re mental,” he said, chuckling softly, wrapping his arms around my waist.

“Well, so are you.”

I felt his mouth on the side of my neck. Squeezing my eyes shut, I relaxed. We ended up going for another round – our third – and making a mess of the bathroom in the process. I was glad that Holly had gone to see her niece – who wasn’t feeling well – again. Otherwise she’d have definitely heard the noises and put two and two together. I loved and trusted Holly, but I couldn’t ask her to keep a secret like this. It just wasn’t fair.

Sex in the bathtub was a whole other experience. Vaughn was another experience. He could make me climax more times in one session than in my whole marriage to my husband. I loved it – and hated it, because what was I going to do when this holiday was over?

“Jack asked me why the shower was taking so long to get fixed,” I gasped, riding him for what felt like the billionth time that morning. Vaughn’s hands tightened on my hips as he thrust upwards, his c0ck finding a place that hadn’t ever been reached before.

“What did you tell him?” he grunted.

My grip on the sides of the tub tightened as I felt the beginnings of a massive orga$m coming along. Vaughn’s hand came around and dipped underwater, between my thighs, finding my clít and rubbing it. And just like that, he flung me over the precipice and I came, crying his name.

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