36. Life Can Crumble To Pieces In Less Than A Second (Completed)

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Happy Holidays

Be safe, don't get too crazy. Have fun unwrapping gifts. I know I will.

A/n at the end check it out.

 I lay on my bed staring up at the ceiling. Trey lay next to me with his arm draped over my waist. I could feel the chilled tingles on my torso.

"What's your favorite memory with me" He asked me. I thought about.

"We've had some good times Trey, we have been friends for like ever, but I think my favorite would be when we went on our road trip and we pretended to be making out in front of that old lady and she spazzed out." I told him. He laughed.

"That was hilarious, that lady was freaking out" He stated.

"Well she shouldn't have been staring at us anyway. It was none of her business" I said to him. He chuckled.

"What's your favorite memory?" I asked him.

"Hmmm it would have to be our first date" He muttered.

"Oh you're talking about when I beat you in bowling like three times and beat you going down the fun slide" I stated.

"Yea whatever" He muttered." I done told you a million times that I let you win" He stated. I chuckled. He just couldn't take his lost as a man.

"Whatever Trey" I said laughing. "I beat you fair and square. Don't try to pretend that you let me win just to cover up your lost." I told him

"Whatever Mya, you believe what you want to believe." He told me.

"I will" I muttered. He groaned.

"Don't be mad that I beat you Trey" I said.

"Shut up Mya" He replied. I laughed. He sighed.

"Anyways I was directing the favorite part more towards the sunrise on the cliff and us making out in the back seat of my car." He said. I thought back to how beautiful it was. That was the night that I truly realized that I was in love with Trey. I thought back on the thoughts that occupied my mind. How complete I felt, how I felt like nothing could get in the way of us. Damn, I felt like I was on cloud nine and I never wanted to come off. I remembered how nervous and scared I was to tell him that I loved him because I didn't know if he would feel the same way. Tears began to slowly leak from my eyes. I turned my head away and quickly wiped them away.

"What's wrong?" Trey asked.

"Nothing" I said quickly.

"Mya........" He leaned up on one arm. I looked up at him. "I'm going to try something okay" He said. I nodded afraid to talk because I knew my voice would end up giving me away/ He reached his hand out towards my face. I felt the cold tingles and then I felt his hand form and heat began to radiate from him. My body shivered involuntarily. He was touching me. Trey was touching me. Holy shit! How in the world did he do that?

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