A Spoon Full Of Sugar

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A row of colors line my shelf,

This made me stop and analyze myself.

One yellow pill i must pop,

Goes to my heart so it won't stop.


A little white one I partake,

Calms my hands so they won't shake.

The red ones I use a lot,

Tell me I,m happy when I'm not.


The multi color pill goes to my brain,

And tells my body to over look pain.

The pink ones tell me not to wheeze,

Choke,cough, or even sneeze.


The orange ones,smallest one's I recall,

Go to my blood so I won't fall.

The blue one's, big and bright,

Prevent my leg cramps at night.


Such a gathering of brilliant pills,

Helping to cure all kinds of ills.

The thing I really need to know......

How does each know where to go ?

I have found as we grow older the more they give us to make us feel better a bit of fun about pill .

Marie Jacobs  Oct 31st 2012

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2012 ⏰

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