Chapter Twenty-Seven | Hester Green House, may 1 2006

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

Hester Green House, May 1st 2006

            The leady canopy of Winston's green house shaded Max as he played. Winston glanced up every now and then from the bed of small plants; his rough hands turned the earth with care, kind eyes watching his great nephew play.

Winston loved having Max over, so when Sonia asked if he could look after him the night of their anniversary he readily accepted.

Max put down his toy train (a gift from his Auntie Amara) and got up, walking over to his uncle. He sat down on the ground and watched Winston's hands turn the earth and gently place a seedling into tiny holes, then pat it down.

"Uncle Winston?"

"Yeah Maxxie?" Winston gave him a brief smile, picking up a little seedling.

"How long have Mamma and Daddy been married?" he asked, settling his chin in his hands, leaning on his knees.

"Eight years."

"I'm almost eight." Said Max, his dark eyes narrowing.

"You are." Agreed Winston.

"Did Mamma and Daddy marry because of me?"

Winston set aside his trowel and sat back on his knees. "Why do you ask Max?"

"Did they?" Max gave Winston that big brown-eyed curious look he could never turn down.

"Yes they did." He admitted. "Well, sort of. They would have gotten married anyway." That was a little lie. Winston knew Sonia had never wanted to get married. He had no doubt she and Charlie would still be together, but married? Unlikely.

Max stared hard at the ground, silent. "Uncle Winston?"

"Yeah Max?"

"Why is Mamma so unhappy sometimes?"

Winston sighed and sat heavily on the stone. "Your Nana was better at this sort of stuff, always had a knack with kids." He said "She would know how to explain this to you in a way that would make you understand it perfectly, and never doubt yourself. Me on the other hand, Maxxie - well, I was the quiet one, but I'll try."

"When your Mum was growing up all she wanted was to travel." Began Winston. "She had over a hundred books on the world, maps tacked up everywhere - she couldn't wait to go and explore."

"She tells me stories," Max piped up. "About China and India and Europe."

"Exactly! The same stories that made her want to go so badly. But she never got to go."


"There was a war." Winston saw the confusion on Max's face.

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