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This was the first story I ever wrote and completed, so despite the fact that now, years later, I am embarrassed by its quality, I've decided to leave this trilogy on wattpad in all its terrible, unedited glory. So enjoy, and try not to judge too harshly on what I wrote when I was a kid.



I was on edge. And yea, EVERYONE knew it.

"What's eating you?" Cameron Mc Roy asked, ducking beneath my perfect round house kick.

"Nuthn'! Why does there always gotta be something wrong?" I snarled back, raising a gloved hand to wipe away the sweat running from my forehead and stinging my eyes.

"I don't know," He said, going in for a fist to my gut. I dodged, agilely. "But usually, when we practice, you aren't as-" he grunted, doubling over as I shoved my foot into his stomach. "-tough." he ground out, lying on the blue matt, holding his stomach.

I held my fists in front of my face, raised, and bounced my weight back and forth between my left and right foot. "Come on, Mc Roy." I said. "No pain, no gain."

"Yea, but at this rate all I'm gonna 'gain' is a busted face and broken ribs." he snarled in a low voice, rising to his feet and looking forlorn before getting back into position. Before he could blink, I spun on my right root, raising my left. It hit him in the side of the head. He was momentarily stunned.

I took my advantage, hitting his head with my right fist then left, then right, then brought my right foot up straight, catching him under the chin as his head shot up. With chest exposed, I double kicked him in the sternum and a roundhouse to the shoulder took him down. He hit the blue mat in a little blob.

"Jesus Christ, KATRINA!" Jeremy, the owner of the fight school came rushing over, looking worriedly at Cameron. He shot me a glare that could frost the Devil, and tried to bring Cameron round.

I stood back. Hey, don't get me wrong. I don't have any issues with Cameron. He was like a brother to me, being my brothers best friend. But it was his own stupidity to look for a fight with a severely pissed-off Katrina Veyrox. AKA: Cat. AKA; me.

Look, it wasn't my fault. My life just ends up being... unpleasant, sometimes.

Take today, for example.

My day had started out particularly crap when I woke up early. As should be pointed out right now- I'm a night person. Any way, after that, I found there was no coffee in the house. Hello? Everyone that knows me understands that I am the only seventeen year old girl that could not properly function without coffee/caffeine. Anyway.

Today was 'The Day.'


The day my own personal universe imploded. That's right....


Ladies and gentlemen, if you have not yet figured it out- LIFE SUX! My father was forcing my out of our comfortable Californian home to go to some small town in the middle of freaking NOWHERE, so he could live -excuse me, so WE could live- with the love of his life, the apple of his eye... a woman I haven't even freaking MET yet, let alone like. Ugh. All I can say is I hope she's nothing like my mother, who I get most of my looks from, and yet we look nothing alike. I have this thick, dark mahogany hair, that ends at my waist. Its mostly straight, but at my shoulders tends to turn into a massive splay of curls. My skin was fair with a light tan. My eyes were metallic silver. No, I'm serious. Not grey but silver. With a thin black ring surrounding the color. I had high cheekbones. I was 5 feet seven inches tall and had a stiletto complex.

And, judging from how I gave Cameron Mc Roy's ass a beat down, at six foot six and with shoulders almost as wide, Cameron could give anyone an ass whipping, meant I was dangerous too! He had bright red hair and blue grey eyes. He was the buffest man I had met in my life and his biceps put Watermelons to shame. He was my older brother's best friend, being one year older than me.

"Kat. What's wrong. Last time you were this pissed it cost me two punching bags and a month of therapy for one of my other fighters." Jeremy asked. "Don't even try." Cameron said dryly, spitting out blood.


"Sorry, Cam I didn't mean to." I whispered, looking down and biting my lip. Okay, so perhaps I can give Cameron a beat down. But I was still a girl wearing nothing but a black sports bra, black short shorts and black puma shoes. My hair was straightened and tied back and up into a high ponytail, my bangs and side bangs clipped back. I was looking down biting my lip, with long and dark eyelashes. In other words, I was still a cute teenage girl that stood in front of him close to almost naked. So...-

"Aw, Kattie its okay." I heard Cameron say.

Heh. Men are so easy.

I took a deep breath and sighed it out. "Okay, you guys. I gotta go. But I promise I'll drive up and see you two as much as I can." I said, and hugged them both, heading toward the lockers. I bit my lip.

Took a shower, got dressed, found my car keys, and drove home. A moving truck was loaded with our stuff. This was it. God, I hope this isn't a mistake.





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