[y/n] and Louis

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I have never been happier in my life. My relationship with Louis could never be better. Two years and still going strong. Just got a promotion at my work, which means a lot more money. Louis and I moved into together about a year ago. Life for me is just perfect.

What's even better is today is my 20th birthday. Since we have been together, even before when we were friends, Louis took my birthday very seriously. He always had to make sure I got everything I wanted. He knows how much I hate when he does that, but he just will not take no for an answer. I mean I can't object to all the nice little things he gets me. I know it's just to show his love, but he doesn't need to show his love through objects. The most extreme was last year when he bought me a car. I literally almosted killed him.

This birthday was different. I woke up at around 9:30, which is usual for me, but when I got up I was alone. The spot where Louis always laid was empty. I stretched and when I did so, I felt something weird on my forehead. I reached up an pulled a sticky note off my forehead. Typical Louis always being silly, yet sweet. I looked at the note to see his scribbled hand writing all over it.

My dearest [y/n],

    Well first off, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY! Can't believe you're 20. Seems like yesterday we were just sitting in your house playing with dolls, (action figures) anyway today is going to be extra special I promise you this. Today is all about you. All though I am truley sorry that you want see me until tonight, I know what you're thinking "How will I survive with out seeing my incredibly hot boyfriend all day?" ;], but fear not I will be with you in spirit all day. Now I have some instructions for you. I left some clues for you to find me, along with some small gifts, But tonight will be the biggest gift. I love so much [y/n] always.

Forever yours, Louis xx

I didn't realize until how much I was smiling until my face starting hurting. I set the note down to see something oddly shaped at the end of the bed. Swinging my legs off the bed, and on to the cold hard-wood floor, I made my way over to the end of the bed to exemine the object. It was a large box, and writen across the top "Gift 1" was written. I smiled to myslef and lifted the cover off the box to find a scarf and matching mittens along with a note.

Tonight will be chilly, make sure you wear these when you go out ;]

I giggled to myself and looked down at the ground to see a path of rose petals that lead out of the bedroom. He is seriously too much. The path of petals lead into the kitchen of our flat where there is pancakes and nutella out for me. God I love him. I took a spoon from the drying rack and dug right in to my favorite thing ever, nutella. While I was eating I noticed another note. At the top it read "clue 1"

Go to the place that I sent you to on our one year, under Tomlinson of course. Be there at 12 no later xx.

I didn't have to think twice about where I was going. Only one of the best places, the spa. He sent me there to distract me because he forgot to book the resteraunt. He thought I wouldn't find out, but he should know me better. That was one of our best dates ever. He really can be romantic, actaually he is a hopeless romantic, which I love.

I finshed my breakfast and got ready to go to the spa. It was about an hour away so I know I needed to leave now. I quickly showerd and put on some leggings and a huge sweater that I love. While I was slipping into my uggs my phone vibrated in my pocket, letting me know I got a text.

From: My LouBear<33 xx

Almost forgot babe, you're not driving anywhere today, Dave should be out front now. Enjoy love, and see you soon xxx

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