Chapter 19- The Halloween Party

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(Chapter 19- The Halloween Party)

“Did I forget to mention I called you three times last night?” Tinsley said through the phone.

“Hey, my brother came in from college and we were hanging out.” I defended.

“Wait, Jesse is there?” she asked.

Ok I defiantly shouldn’t have said anything. I forgot she had this little crush on my brother. Oh well I guess it’s too late now.

“Yeah he’s staying for two weeks.” I said.

“Give me two hours and I’ll be over.” She rushed.

“Don’t get to excited I think he might have a girlfriend.” I said a little loud so she would listen.

“So, it’s not like he’s married.” He chuckled. “I’ll see you later.”

I laughed at her as I hung up the phone. She never gives up. I guess she still hasn’t worked out things with Richard yet. Maybe this will be just the thing to cheer her up, even if nothing will ever really happen.

I walked over to my mirror and picked my hair brush up from the dresser and combed through my hair before going down to meet the family for breakfast. This was a necessary thing for me every morning since my hair was almost always in knots. I probably looked like the bride of Frankenstein.

After I was satisfied with myself I walked down the hall and into the kitchen to see everyone sitting around the table already eating.

“Look who finally decided to grace us with her presence.” Jesse grinned.

“It’s not my fault you all eat before dawn.” I joked.

I looked around the table at all the food and instantly grabbed a plate and dug in. After filling it full I took my seat across from Jesse and beside my dad and started eating. I missed omelets so much but it seemed like we only had them when Jesse was over since it was his favorite.

While I was eating I received a text from Tinsley and answered it. Probably letting me know she was on her way or something, which reminds me I have let dad know.

I opened up the message and read it under the table since dad didn’t approve of cell phones during family time.

Tins: Halloween party tonight at Alex King’s house. We are going costume shopping tonight!

I quickly texted her a reply.

Me: Isn’t that Austin’s friend? I’m not going.

I picked up my fork and began eating again but not even a minute later I got a reply and put it down.

Tins: Yes you are or else he will think he has gotten to you.

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