Prologue: The Banishment

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Prologue: The Banishment

“Mom you can’t do this to me, I didn’t purposely disgrace our family, you have to hear me out I beg you.” Bianca cried at her mother’s feet. “Bianca I don’t want to see or hear from you again as long as you shall live.” Mrs. Stone said pushing her pleading daughter away from her.

“How can you do this to your only child? I have never done anything to displease either of you and now when I need you the most you are going to kick me and your grandchild out into the cold?” Bianca cried holding her newborn closely to her chest.

“You of all people know the law our kind isn’t allowed to mate with humans. Not only did you disobey that law but you went above and beyond and had a child with one, a child that we will never recognize as our blood.” Mr. Stone said turning his back on his daughter.

“Daddy please how can you say those things to me your princess, the only offspring you have, the next Alpha Female of the pack.” She pleaded trying to get him to come around.

“You were nothing to me the minute you conceived that abomination you’re holding in your arms and as Alpha of our pack it is my job to uphold the laws.” He said shrugging her off walking into his study locking the door.

She kneeled on the floor staring at the infant in her arms. “You weren’t made out of love but you won’t ever be an abomination dear sweet child you are mine to love and protect and I intend on doing just that.”

“Bianca you need to go upstairs and finish packing your things because you are to be out of this house by sun down.” Mrs. Stone said walking towards the kitchen. Bianca knew that this banishment was hurting her parents whether they wanted to show their feelings or not.

Her father being Alpha had to do what he felt was right due to all the scrutiny that was brought onto to their family once word was out that she was pregnant and unmated. Whispers turned into harsh rumors and eventually weren’t even a fraction of the truth.

At first her parents stood by her side telling everyone that she was attacked by a rogue who wanted claim to the Alpha’s daughter but that didn’t last long because any unmated male who came close to her could sense that she had mated with a human.

Word got around her town and before too long no unmated male would even look at her some went as far as walking the other direction when she was coming. She hated being treated as bad as she was.

It didn’t help matters that she was still in high school one that everyone went to whether human or a supernatural being. She was so fast and athletic due to her being a werewolf that she participated in all the school sports that she could.

Her favorite sport was football she just got a thrill out of the aggressive contact of the sport plus she didn’t have to hold back any when it came to her supernatural speed and strength. She was very well known among her kind and the humans, everyone loved her.

As soon as she started showing that she was pregnant the humans steered clear of her all except one, Sara her only true friend. The worst part was the guy who caused her a life of pain and heartache acted as if she was extinct once he took what he wanted from her.

She shook her head clearing all recollection of the past seven months of pure hell she had been subjected to. Her parents were being pressured to banish her sooner but they couldn’t bring themselves to do that but they promised the pack as soon as Bianca had the baby they would send her away.

Bianca called the only person she knew to call and asked for help. Sara was more than happy to come to her rescue. She knew what Bianca was and didn’t mind at all. She believed that everyone should be able to live together harmoniously.

Sara lived in a small town between Echo Harbor and Deadwood called Equality which got its name based on the fact everyone was free to live there and welcomed with open arms no matter what race or species they were. She was the daughter of a fairy and a human but was considered human because she hadn’t shown any signs of being a fairy. 

Bianca had just about finished packing when Sara arrived. She took baby Hope down and put her into Sara’s car while she packed up the last few items she had. Once she was done she started carrying everything down to her and Sara’s cars loading them. 

She grabbed her last bag, took one final look at the room she had called her own for the past nineteen years feeling the tears well up in her eyes she said her final goodbyes to the only home she had ever known and walked out the door. 

Bianca climbed into her car and followed Sara back to her house. Sara’s family was kind enough to let Bianca and Hope stay with them until she was able to find a place of her own. She unpacked only the necessary items and put the rest of her things into a small storage shed in Sara’s backyard.

 The next day Bianca went into Echo Harbor to look for a job she figured it’d be easier to work in the human town than having to put up with her own kind back in Deadwood. She managed to put in a ton of applications which a few of the small shop owners knew who she was from her all time scoring record she had made while on the high school football team.

She managed to be hired on the spot to work in a local department store but she had to wait to be released by her doctor before she was able to actually start doing anything too strenuous. So they did her paperwork and video training sessions and started her out with a few shifts a week only working her a few hours at a time until she was released to full duty.

In the meantime Bianca had been saving up everything she earned except for what she spent on things that Hope needed like formula, diapers, wipes and other baby items. She had become apart of the Daniels family as if she was one of their own. Mr. and Mrs. Daniels treated Hope as if she were their grandchild.

Bianca was happy to have found such a caring family to be welcomed into when her own pelt and blood turned on her. Very seldom did she ever even think about her parents because when she did it would cause her to break down and she had to remain strong for Hope.

Things were going well for Bianca, she even managed to find a small two bedroom house, with Mr. Daniels help, for her and Hope in Equality. Things were starting to look up for her but she knew she would be getting the letter informing her of when she was to attend the Academy of Supernatural Beings.

She dreaded the day that letter came because she knew that she would once again have to face her kind and so many other beings that had heard some form of her story and were more than ready to snub her and laugh at her.

She didn’t mind people talking about her or ignoring her, what bothered her the most was that she was unmated and none of the unmated males of her kind would give her the time of day leaving her to maintain a Second Year status over and over again.


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