Pumpkin Juice Indeed!

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That night I wrote a letter to my parents asking them about Aunt Jewel and informing them about the howler too.  I am very annoyed with myself. I stand out here at Hogwarts, people know me and recognise me. Back at beauxbatons no one sent a second glance at me but now at Hogwarts everyone knows who I am. Especially after today's mishap at the Great Hall.

Everyone's attention is on me and Professor DiCorn. So tonight I need to perform a prank to take the attention away from me. A big prank that involves the entire school in some way. I grinned to myself already having thought of a plan.

If I wasn't a metamorphmagus then this plan would take a month. Perhaps with that clue you have already figured out what I'm going to do.

I got dressed for bed and lied down waiting for two am to finally arrive. I had to make sure no one was awake. This plan was risky and it would take a while to make happen.

Lily, Mia and Rory were all gently snoring, and soon enough it was two am.  Actually no that was a lie - I was dying of boredom and also trying not to sleep so it really it felt like an eternity.  I felt tired staying up so late and I knew I would not be able to wake up the next morning - at least only with great difficulty. I gently slid off my bed. A loud creak echoed throughout the room and made me freeze in my tracks. When I stood up the floor creaked again.

I sent a panicked look to each of the girls' beds but they hadn't even stirred, sending a sigh of relief out of my mouth. I opened the door and got out. I slowly closed the door then headed down to the common room. I hadn't bothered to transform because I knew no one would see me anyway.

The fire had continued roaring over the cool breeze making me feel warm and tingly. I opened the painting door. The Fat Lady had sent a quiet ' don't wake me up again' whisper to me before she fell asleep again.

I transformed in to Sirius Black since he had annoyed me earlier on in History of Magic. I headed to the Hufflepuff dormitory because they were the closest. I said the password to the Eagle statue who let me pass in to the dormitory.

I sneaked in, exploring the unfamiliar rooms. I went back to the common room then uttered a spell that turned every single Hufflepuff decoration to a Gryffindor one. I silently praised myself for being so awesome - Gryffindor forever!

I went through every single Hufflepuff's clothing and changed all of them to Gryffindor theme. I smirked to myself once I was finished. I left the Hufflepuff dormitory then went to Slytherin. Their dormitory was located in the dungeons. It looked gloomy and the snake decorations were just plain creepy - gosh I hate snakes.

I hurriedly changed their décor and clothes to the all familiar red and gold then left with a grimace on my face.

I did Ravenclaw then headed back through the dark castle in search for the Gryffindor dormitory. It was pitch black and when I tried to use the spell 'lumos' all the paintings started to shout at me because it was too bright. Damn those paintings! They can seriously be annoying sometimes - I mean who needs paintings that can talk, that's just one extra mouth you have to listen babbling away.

I had made sure at least one student per house saw me (as Sirius Black obviously) so that they knew who to blame.

I ended up randomly taking twists and turns hoping that I would find the Gryffindor dormitory. When I finally got there the Fat Lady refused to open the door because she was deeply asleep, which posed a problem for me. But then I realised that I was currently in the guise of Sirius Black and now maybe I could create a grudge against him with what I was about to do. 

I got as close to the Fat Lady's ear as I could and then bellowed "WAKEEE UPP!". She nearly jumped out of her skin but when she saw me (or Sirius really) she sent me a death glare. I said the password and she let me through but whispered to me, "I'll remember this!".

I smirked knowing that soon Sirius was going to have an issue with the Fat Lady sometime soon.I looked at the clock in my dormitory, it was  5:08 and swore loudly at the time, I transformed back in to myself then went to a very well deserved deep sleep.


Just when I was dreaming about cows with a striking resemblance to Sirius wearing pink tutus performing ballet for me. I felt ice cold water land all over my face and hair. I was immediately awoken and gasped for air. I saw Lily, Mia and Rory all staring at me.

"What the hell?! I was asleep!" I cried in protest.

"We know you were asleep and we have been trying to wake you up for the past hour. This is the only way we could think of that would wake you up." Lily said

"Come on we are already running late, lessons start in 30 minutes" Mia said urgently

This sent me running for my stuff. I grabbed my clothes and ran to the bathroom. I freshened up and got changed there was no point of having a shower since they had splashed me with water and my hair was wet.

My hair was completely soaked so I  used magic to dry it. I quickly changed in to my school robes feeling really tired but excited because my amazing prank would already be taking place.

I was at the Great Hall only a few minutes before lessons but I think lessons were going to be delayed slightly.

I entered the Great Hall and saw all the Hufflepuffs, Slytherins and Ravenclaws shouting at the Gryffindors. Sirius Black, in particular was being shouted at.

Professor Dumbledore shouted for silence making the entire hall fall silent.

"What has happened is that a certain student has gone around the school changing every houses decorations to Gryffindor." Dumby said. I could have sworn his gaze lingered on me when he said 'certain student' , while I gave him an innocent face. I still need to give this guy a good pranking.

"It was Seerius Black, I saw heem  with my own eyes" shouted a guy with an Austalian accent -  Iove them and hate them at the same time. Half the time I don't really comprehend but it sounds cool which is the important part. 

"Yeah it was, I saw him too." added another boy.

Sirius Black looked confused and angry making me smirk. The stupid git deserved it, trying to make me drink toad pee pretending it was pumpkin juice.Luckily for me, I didn't drink it because I knew all too well that he wasn't to be trusted.

"No, I didn't! I was fast asleep in my damn room the whole night." He shouted.

Then Pettigrew said "But I didn't see you in our room," . Sirius glared at him.

Then another person shouted then "Yeah where were you then if you're innocent?".

I couldn't help but notice the girl next to me had turnt beetroot red and her eyes were on Sirius. I also noticed that both their eyes met.

Oh! I thought understanding flooded through my head.

"I was in someone else's room" Sirius said meekly.

"Yeah you weent to everyone's room," said the Australian guy.

This little debate went on until Professor McGonagall strode to Sirius and told him sharply, "One month's detention every day after lessons and you are banned from next week's Hogsmeade trip."

Sirius looked outraged "One month! But I didn't do it!" he protested.

"Evidence says other wise, even the Fat Lady saw you leaving, now chop chop everyone.It's time for lessons." She said clearly ending the matter.

I had Herbology first and we were learning about mandrakes. We were put in partners and we had to collect the puss. I was partnered with a girl from Hufflepuff called Jessica.

I was half-asleep and didn't hear the part about putting on my earmuffs so I was greeted by multiple ear-splitting screams - which made me wonder if a banshee had somehow made it's way in to the greenhous but I couldn't care because I half-fainted-half-fell asleep and the world faded to nothingness...


I'm sorry I have been so late to upload.

Anyway, vote, comment and fan yay!

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