Seduction... So Why Don't I Want To Resist??

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“Did you miss me Rose?” He laughed and I groaned when I jostled my small baby bump. I’d lost track of time but I could have sworn the baby shouldn’t me causing me any pain roughly three months into the pregnancy. Wasn’t that only meant to come on about eight months into the pregnancy? Nine months? “Seems you were busy after you dumped me for two vampires.” He sneered making it obvious what he thought about vampires, and that he didn’t know I was a vampire: how interesting.

“Are you referring to my pregnancy?” I asked sweetly and that earned me a sneer followed by an extremely creepy leer that travelled the whole length of my body. His eyes stayed focussed on my baby bump for far too long to not have me worrying slightly about what he was planning but then he met my eyes again.

“You should not be pregnant with their- thing!” 

“Their thing’s I believe are still attached to their bodies as far as I could tell. You might have missed this lecture in school but when a man becomes more than a friend to a woman they share a special bond, but that doesn’t mean the man’s thing gets left behind.” I said it slow like I would talk to a child and Darren’s eyes looked as if they were going to pop out of his head which made me giggle slightly. I blame the hormones completely for this recent lack of stupidity!

“I’m talking about that thing growing inside of you. That abomination!” He fumed and I began seeing red, meaning that my eyes were probably starting to turn red which would be followed by my fangs dropping; none of this would be good for keeping my human facade.

I shut my eyes tightly and focussed on breathing to calm myself down. “You mean my baby?” I asked quietly and clamped my mouth shut when I could feel my fangs elongating.

“If that’s what you want to call it then yes that baby.” He paused for a minute and I heard shuffling right before I felt Darren’s breath on my face. “Look at me when I’m talking to you Rose.” He whispered in my ear and it sent chills all the way down my back but I didn’t open my eyes until I felt my anger receding enough to get my physical changes in control. I opened my eyes and looked straight into Darren’s eyes. 

“Why me? Why go through all this trouble to get me when we were finished? What do you want with me?” Cliched final question but it seemed to fit the tone of the conversation so I just went with it.

“Because your vampireswould have never let you just leave and I doubt you would have come on your own accord.” I scoffed and he scowled at me. He didn’t seem insane so what could have possibly made him resort to kidnapping and ticking off a load of vampires? “You’re my mate Rose.”

“Get. The. Hell. Out.” He slumped down onto the bed and sighed while I just stared in horror at him, tempted to try and kick him in the head.

“You actually think I wanted this for myself Rose? You think I wanted to be mated with a fang-banger who is banging two, possibly three vampires? Do you know how bad this makes me look to my pack?” I sat up and didn’t know what to say to him. He didn’t want me?

“Why in God’s name did you take me prisoner then you evil tool? You don’t even like me and yet you’re willing to tick off some dangerous vampires for a laugh? Are you sick in the head or just mentally retarded?” I snapped and felt like hissing at him, although I did give in to my temptation to kick him as hard as I could.

He sat up and growled at me but moved further down the bed, out of the reach of my feet. “I am neither but I am also the alpha of this pack and I am not meant to be with my chosen female! I can only be with my fated female, otherwise I look weak.” Wait- what? Fated and chosen? I’d only just learned about vampires but clearly I needed to start learning about werewolves too.

Arranged Marriage To An Egotistic Vampire... But Which One?? (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now