chapter 9

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You can’t tell her what to do!” I practically snarl at him.

“Yes I can. “ He replies back.


“Yes I can and I can because the scientist made her for me and only me her perfect match.”

As I just stand there in shock.

Perfect other match.

What is going on?

 “But why two perfect other half’s what that lead to unneeded bloodshed and violence?”

“Yes that’s exactly what we want.

Especially between brothers.”

Lily’s p.o.v.:

Ugh Im so tired I didn’t sleep at all last night.

I wish I could see my brother.

I wonder if he’s worried.

I hope not.

Percy’s p.o.v.:

I wonder where lily is?

Even when she just goes out to fly she’s never gone this long.


Even though I just met her I would do anything for my sister.


Gazzys p.o.v:

Ugh I told her she would be mine forever.

I meant it.

She will always be mine. If she ever lives to see tomorrow I think even though its

very unlikely.

I plan on doing away with her tonight.

So she can never leave me again.

Percy’s p.o.v.:

I decide to talk to Rachel.

She can tell me if lil is ok.

She is the oracle.

When I walk up to her talking with Chiron on the patio of the big house.

She gasps and recites a prophecy

Child of the sea

To find the one lost

Travel to the wings

To the Youngers bane

Find the lost one

See her lostly remained

To find the quest was in vain

O my gods

Did I just get myself into another prophecy?

The 8th prophecy in my life?

How do I get all the quests?

Despite better judgment I decide to take Leo and annabeth.

As far as I can tell there was something going on between Leo and lily.


Yep there’s another chapter

Sorry about the suckiness

I am sooo tired

Ohh sorry about all those p.o.v’s but if you wanna get the story well I have to add them

Also song of this chapter is R.I.P. by Rita Ora

Peace out broskys


J J :c :D :*)

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