Chapter 3

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Man In Manners

-Chapter 3-

How could you do this to me?!

Im not! Its my father!

LAIR! You could say NO!

I cant! Im not 18 yet!

I thought you LOVED ME!?

Of course i do!

Than dont go...

Im sorry...

Flash back after flash back has been assaulting my mind ever since i boarded this plane to my home town. Today i was wearing black jeans with a baby blue button up and didnt bother to fix my hair so it was messy.

For me this was being lazy.

I couldnt shake the awful memories of losing my child hood love. The way her sweet, innocent face crumpled and her wide blue eyes lost their light. How her bottom lip trembled as she sobbed, tears streaming down her rosey cheeks.

I thought you love me!?

The way her voice cracked when she said that, as if she believed i didnt love her. I did, of course i did or i wouldnt have shunned my father and the rest of my family. I resented them for years, barely talked to them and when my 18th birthday rolled around i moved into a shitty apartment in a shitty neighbor hood where you had to keep the blinds closed all the time and the door had to have more than three locks.

At the time i thought it was worth it, if they took me away from my love than i wouldnt show them any. I tried, really hard to save up and go back but it was never enough.

Then my father passed away, leaving me the company and a whole ton of money. But it was to late. Lixy most likely forgot about me by the time i actually had enough money to go to her.

So i lived my life as CEO of my company and drowned myself in work.

Now i was heading back. After so long.

I wonder if she remembered me? Or would even recognize me?

Probably not. I was what? 16 when we moved here, 18 when i left and lived on my own in a shitty apartment, than 19 when i moved into the current apartment i had now, and 24 when my father died.

Now im 26 and going back home to see my family and possibly find a woman to marry.

"Sir? We've landed." A flight attendant said, smiling down at me. I nodded and stood up, grabbing my bag from the over head compartment and filed off of the plane like everyone else.

When i got out the sun blinded me, making me cover my eyes. I forgot how sunny and bright it could be here.

Sighing i looked around and felt my heart rate pick up.

I was home.

Everything jumped out at me, making me remember things. Leaving this airport for the city, crying on the plane the whole way... Driving Nana here from our house.

I walked swiftly with the rest of the passengers which consisted of an older woman and a few couples. I wonder what they are doing here, in a run down town thats so small its only on the local maps.

"Excuse me?" I asked politely, flashing the woman at the desk a killer smile. She glanced up at me, looked away quickly, and than just as quickly looked back up at me.

"R-Reminus Scott?" She choked out, standing up hastily. I looked at the woman and raised an eyebrow.

"Do i know you?" I asked, trying not to sound rude as i said it. Her green eyes widened and she nodded her head.

"We went to school together! Its me Sharlen." She said, smiling up at me.


'Remi! Look out!' the girl shouted waving her arms frantically in the air. Her green eyes wide and her mouth pulled into a wide smile.

Yelping i jumped back just in time for her to barrel past with roller blades on. I watched as she wobbled and flailed her arms around for balance.

'Shar! Gosh! SHAR!' I yelled laughing slightly as i raced after her. I caught her by the waist and stopped her just before she ran into Dale Finch who was wide eyed and paralyzed with fear.

'Sorry 'bout that Dale!' Shar said laughing.

"Shar!" I said, smiling glad to remember an old friend. She beamed back at me, her eyes still held that hint of mischief in them.

"Glad to be remembered Remi." She said in a teasing voice while slightly hitting my shoulder. I chuckled and pulled her into a hug.

I remember her quite clearly now, she was my best friend other than Lixy and Joe. We used to get into a whole lot of trouble back in the day.

"How have you been?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"I got married two years back now. To Joe too!" She said, showing me her ring.

"Joe?" I asked, last time i remember they hated each other. Always pranking and what not.

"I know! Can you believe it?" She giggled, and rested her hand on her stomach. That i now just realized was swollen to the point of almost bursting.

"Twins!" She informed me, grinning happily.

"Wow... Congrats." I said, feeling a pang in my chest as i realized even Shar was settled down and having kids. She always swore she would never be the type, but here she is now. Married and has two kids on the way.

"Ill 'ave to tell Joe that you're here! Come 'round the house some time and have dinner with us." She said, just as her boss im assuming called for her.

"Of course. Here, ill give you my number." I said, reaching into my carry on bag and pulling out a card. It had all my information on it, the company office's number and my personal cellphone number.

"Alright honey. Take care now." She said before rushing off to the guy who was calling her. Slightly jealous of the fact Sharlen was now happy and settled with a good life i walked over to another worker and asked for him to point me in the direction of the closest car renting place.

It happened to be across the street.

I made my way there, deep in thought.

Is everyone settling down now? Do they all have Children and spouses? Houses and apartments? Jobs and such...

I opened the door and was hit with the smell of car freshener and oil...

"Milly! Costomer!" A deep voice rumbled from under a car, i guess you could fix cars here as well than. A girl, maybe about 17 came from the back and smiled widely at me.

"Hello Mister! What can i help you with?" She asked, the familiar southern drawl making me more antsy to get to my brothers house. I never realized how much ive missed being here.

"I would like to rent a car..." I trailed off, her brown eyes lighting up.

"Thank the Lord! Not another Pinny whining for the closest place to eat!" She said, giggling. She went to the computer and asked for all of my information which i provided. I then signed some papers and paid for the car for a month.

"Thank you! Come again!" She said, waving me off as i headed over to the car i decided on. It wasnt really a car, a truck i should say. A sky blue one that looked a little worn. But i didnt really want a flashy car, so i went with this one.

It had rust on the side and the front had a small dent but i wasnt complaining. I thought it had character. Maybe even a story behind it amusing or sad.

Opening the door with the key i hopped in and started to drive down the vaguely familiar road. It was bare except for a few farms miles and miles apart and wheat grew everywhere on both sides.

The air smelled fresh and welcoming.

I was home.


So here is the thrid chapter! I hope you like it. :D (Not edited Ill do it soon!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2015 ⏰

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