3: Home Sweet Home?

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“Uh. . .” I muttered as I looked down at my feet. “I’m not sure.”

“What is your name?” he asked and I looked up to see his eyes were still glued on me.


He nodded and patted the seat behind him. “Kara come sit with me. Maver will be back soon anyway.”

Though inside I wished to go back into the room and get back to the computer things I did not. I entered the livingroom and did my best to avoid my eyes from gluing to his handsome face. Nervously I took a seat on the ratty armchair a safe distance from him. The last person I had seen on cocaine had tried attacking me saying I was plotting against her.

“I didn’t know a girl was moving with him.”

I shook my head. “I’m just helping him sort his things.”



He chuckled. “With benefits?” he asked as he began to move around the things on the table before him with one hand letting the other tap quickly on his knee.

“No. Just friends.”

“You guys close?”

I nodded. “Yeah, Maver is my best friend. We do everything together.”

Logan groaned and I watched as his wonderful face looked stressed. The tiniest wrinkle formed on his forehead as he groaned a second time. “My brother is a fucking idiot!”

At this I couldn’t help but start to laugh. His surprised eyes met mine and after a moment he began to laugh too. “What’s so funny?” I looked up as Maver walked in with a load of boxes in his strong grip.

“Nothing.” I shrugged hopping to my feet and taking a box from him.

“I’ll help bro.” Logan offered springing up and rushing to take a box. 

-_-_-_-Some Time Later-_-_-_-

I let out a groan as I heaved the mattress onto the futon and stepped back to look at my handiwork. The small room with pale blue painted walls and a fading brown carpet looked pleasantly organized and livable. After a few hours I had finally finished setting up all of Maver’s belongings, without the help of anyone else may I add.

This meant I could finally go back to my place and head to bed. I was absolutely burned out and was ready to crash and sleep at any moment. I hadn’t slept for two nights preparing for the French test I had taken today.  “Hey Maver could I get a ride home?” I asked as I yanked out my headphones and stumbled into the livingroom.

“Sorry.” He mumbled as he downed the beer in his hand and tossed it onto the pile in the center of the room. “Can’t drive.”

I sighed, he was drunk . . . again. At least he knew his limits as to not drive drunk. What made me feel uncomfortable was the other seven or eight guys that all looked up at me, Logan included. With my music blaring and door closed I hadn’t heard them come in. “Okay.”

I nodded and looked down at my feet and at my bright blue hightop converse shoes. There was no way I was walking home. I didn’t even know my way home from here. “Wanna drink?” one of the guys slurred his eyes scanning me up and down as he extended the bottle of vodka he held towards me.

“Kara doesn’t drink.” Maver chuckled shaking his head. “Noon, I promise.” He added looking up at me.

“What?” Logan asked as I gave a small yawn and ruffled my hair.

“I’ll just grab the blues then.” I told Maver ignoring Logan and his captivating eyes. 

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