Chapter 9:

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Saying Klaus was angry was an understatement. When I got home he practically pounced on me.

“Where have you been?” he yelled. Elijah was standing behind him obviously conflicted on whose side he should take.

“I got held up and lost my phone.” I explained

“You didn’t go to school today!”

“Yeah so?” that was not the right thing to say because Klaus’s eye twitched and Elijah held his breath.

“So, you disobeyed my direct order?!?”

“Order? I didn’t know I was WORKING for you!”

His voice softened which made him even scarier. “You don’t work for me love, I OWN you. And if you ever disobey me again you little brother Flynn might have an accident.” He smirked

Rage burned through me, that coward thought he could threaten my family? His smug face was enough to push me to breaking point. I could feel my powers bubbling to the surface, almost bursting through my skin. My hands became hot like lava, begging for me to strike. I took a step towards Klaus.

“I may not have enough power to kill you” I say looking him straight in the eyes “But don’t ever, EVER think that I am not strong enough to defend my self and my family because I will RUIN you.” A strong wind picked up, whipping my hair around my face. Furniture rattled and Elijah took a step back. I clenched my fist and a strong wind flung Klaus through the wall like a rag doll and then died down. Dust and debris clouded the room and I couldn’t see anything. Slowly shapes started coming back into view but it didn’t clear quickly enough for me to see Klaus barrelling towards me. When he collided with my chest all the air was knocked out of my lungs, everything went black for about three seconds before I became aware of Klaus’s fist coming in contact with my right cheek. Pain emanated through my face like a fire and I hit the ground with a thud.

It was hard to tell where Klaus was in all the dust. I look around franticly but it was no use, I was basically blind.

Pugare” I yell and all the fog cleared instantly. I could see Klaus again so before he could hit me for the second time I thrust out my hand and yelled “Ignis” which set his clothes on fire. This couldn’t kill him but it was bloody distracting. I scrambled off the ground and bolted for the front door. Looking over my shoulder I saw Elijah holding Klaus back but there was only so much he could do, in no time Klaus was out of his grip, his eyes black and veins webbed across his face.

“You think you can defeat me?” he growls baring his fangs “lets see how powerful you really are!”

Challenge accepted.

I slowly turn from the door and face him. For a few moments we are just frozen there, glaring at each other. 

“Alright why don’t we all just calm down” Elijah suggests, stepping in between us with his hands up. “If Crys promises to never do this again then we can all forgive each other”.

“There is just one problem in that otherwise flawless plan of yours” I say

“Yeah, and what’s that?” Klaus asks

“I can’t promise anything”

“Well why not?”

“Because I can’t help it.”

Elijah looks confused “I don’t understand”

I sigh. “The reason I didn’t go to school today is because I was passed out on the Salvatores couch. I was walking home from the Grill when I got a vision.”

“I heard that they were exceptionally painful” Elijah cut in.

“Hell yes. I collapsed from the pain, Stefan and Damon were following me at the time and when they saw me pass out they took me to their place. I only woke up a few minutes ago.”

Klaus and Elijah were silent for a while, taking in what I had just said.

“You could have been caught and blown your cover” Klaus says obviously not caring about the exceptionally painful side of things.

“Well I’m sorry Klaus, next time I collapse from crippling pain I will try to be more careful with who saves my life.” I say rolling my eyes.

It was Elijah who asked the million-dollar question “What did you see in the vision?”

I was just about to answer when a familiar blonde what through the doors.

“What the hell happened here?” she asks looking at the gaping whole in the wall.

Elijah filled her in.

Rebecca turned to me “Are you ok?”

“Yeah I’m fine. Thanks for caring”

Elijah looked sheepish for not asking me how I was but Klaus just shook it off.

“Well since we are through with the interrogation and the trying to kill each other I think I’m going to go to bed, it’s been a rough day. Goodnight Rebecca, Goodnight Elijah.” I walk up the stairs but turn “Oh and Klaus, I TOTALY won!”

“What makes you think that?”

“I’m not sure, but it might have something to do with the Klaus sized hole in the wall. You should probably get someone to fix that” I say with a wink. Klaus just chuckled and rolled his eyes.

well that's the new chapter! there were some family drama's but don't worry, they still love each other. i just kinda wanted Crys to show off her powers a little but, that was so much fun to write. :D

kk toodles :3 xxx

Klaus is my grandfather (the vampire diaries fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now