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Chapter 2

"So what's your name?" He asked sitting back down at his desk.

" Alexandria," I said looking around the room.

" What a pretty name for such an ugly girl."

" Thank you oh master for your compliment," I said trying my best to hold back an eye roll." If I'm so ugly then why did you buy me?"

" I have my reasons little girl," he said sounding angry." And for future references NEVER question me."

" whatever," I mumbled.

"What did you say?"

" I said what-."

He moved so fast I didn't even have time to blink. He was across the room with me against a wall about a two feet in the air. My hands automatically reached up to loosen his grip. It was no use.

" You will treat me like you master and not address me as a naive teenager. You will do what ever I want you to. You are mine and no one else's. I own you." He said angry. His hand tightened as I tried one last time . My vision started to go all fuzzy. Without warning he dropped me on the floor. I laid there gasping in as much air as I could while rubbing my sore neck." Never talk back. You will only speak when being spoken to. An I clear?!"

" Y-yes master," I stuttered.

"Good I'm glad that's out of the way. Now stand up and compose yourself. I have things to do and so do you," he said looking at the papers scattered around his desk. " Here where your room is and your chores. The outfit that you must where at all times is going to be on your bed."

I grabbed the four sheets of paper and groaned.

" Oh also read the rules. If you break even one rule, well lets just say that the consequences won't be so pretty," he said smiling evilly." Run along. I'm busy"

" Yes master," I said bowing before I left. Ugh asshole. I look down at my little map and frown. Holy shit this place is huge. I walk down the hallway and take a left. Where are the stairs. I look left and right then decide on taking left. I sigh in relief when I see them down the hall. Finally, I thought I'd never find them. I walk up the stairs and pause at the top. I look down at the map. Left or right? Ah, it's right. I turn in that direction and look at the numbers on each door. Just as I rounded a corner I smacked in to a wall or that's what it felt like. Whoa this guy is fucking hot. Broad shoulders, six pack abs, baby blue eyes and beautiful blonde to finish off the whole package. Ugh no stop alex. BAAAD! No thoughts like that.

" Ow, sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going," I said jumping back.

" Oh my god! You look just like her," someone exclaimed." Now I see why he was so interested with you. You're a spitting image of her. It's amazing."

What in the world...

" Uuh I look like who?" I asked confused yet curious.

" Oh dear there I went blabbing again. I'm sorry dear but I can't tell you. That's classified info," said the guy twirling a blonde lock around his slim finger.

" And your name is?"

" Maximus but you call me Max," he said hugging me. " Welcome to your new home."

Um okay.. I awkwardly hug him back and smile to not be rude.

" Oh I must be keeping you. If you ever need anything I'm in room 206, Kay?"

" Kay."

" The others are in for a surprise...... Well see you around."

" See you," I said continuing down the hall. God how many more are living here. I hope not too many.

Why are there so many damn room! Oh my yes! Triumph! Finally I can rest my feet. Must remember room 200. Don't forget Alex. In the distance I hear foot steps and voices. I quickly turn the knob and rush in my room. I sigh in relief as I lean against my door. That was close. I'm not ready to meet other people. Yet. Why doesn't my master just kill me. I mean nothing to this world. I guess I should have as much fun as I can.

I push myself off the door and walk to my bed. Whoa. This bed is a hell of a lot better than my old one. I giggle and jump on it. I could get used to this. I totally feel like building a pillow fort right now. My mom and I used to always..... I stop bouncing and sit down. Mommy. Tears well up in my eyes. Don't cry. Don't cry. I flop back into my pillows and cover my face. Stupid emotions. Tears slip down. Damn it all. I wipe them away and lift up the papers. I flip through them till I get to the to do list. You're kidding me, right? My master is crazy! Simply crazy!

To do list:

- Wash all clothes on your floor

- When they are done washing and drying color coordinate everything piece of clothing

- Clean all dust from fans, tv, windows and etc.

- Vacuum every carpeted floor

- wash fold towels

- make sure all my sex toys are bleached and properly cleaned

- I want all rooms spotless

- mop and scrub all floors

P.s- there will be more to do tomorrow :)

I groan and get up. I take a quick shower and get dressed in my " slave" outfit. This is such a slutty outfit. It hardly covers my ass. Ugh why me?! Don't even know where everything is! This just sucks monkey balls. I blow my bangs out of my face. As I close my door I realize a note is taped on my door. I rip it off and read it.

Dear alex,

Jackson has been too busy to notice but we did most of you shores. So you really don't have to do much. Lets just say this is our welcoming to you. You my dear are the girl we have all been waiting for. Remember if you ever need anything just come to me. Room 206. Or you can ask the other guys. Well ill let you get to your chores. Tata!



Is it just me or does he have better handwriting than mine? Yep , looks that way. Well time to get to work. This will take awhile.

My eyes crack open as someone losses the mop stick from my lift hand and gentle takes the rag from my right. I kept trying to speak but it did work out so well. I sounded like a drunken sailor. Masculine laughter erupted around me. I chuckled and smiled.

" You were so right max. She looks so much like her," someone to out left said.

" OMG she is SO cute!" Another bursted.

No I'm not. I'm not even close. I'm ugly and nothing else. I felt Max laugh as he carried me to my room.

" You are not ugly Alex," he chuckled.

Oh god did I say that out loud?! I blush and hide my face in his shirt. The hallway once again erupted with that beautiful laughter.

" Alright everyone , it's bed time for miss Alexandria AND for all of you. No scoot and go to bed."

Everyone mumbled a protest but did as Rey were told after they each kissed my forehead sweetly. Ooookay. Weird. I was to sleepy to tell them they could get my ugly cooties but I didn't have the energy. I heard a door open and before I knew it I was in my bed and covered up all the way up to my neck.

" Sweet dreams Alex," he whispered softly leaving a kiss on my forehead.



Okay how was that?! Good? Bad? I do hope good. Well just let me know I'm a comment pwease! Now that I've updated this I shall update my other stories :3 haha it's been awhile since ie updated anything else >_< lol I know you guys are dying updates! There will be some soon :D just be patient :p





Ciao! <3

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