26. Innocent Mistakes

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Love in Hell


25. Innocent Mistakes

Gabriella P.O.V -

''So you really feel better now? Or are you just saying that?'' Damien asked me, as I slipped on some jeans that Damien bought me a week ago.

''Yeah, I'm even surprised myself. I felt horrible last night, but now I feel so much better.'' 


''You sure?'' Damien looked at me curiously.



Damien stared at me for a few very long seconds and nodded his head, ''Okay. Let's go to the living room, the boys are there.'' 

I smiled once I heard that. 

It had been three weeks since Lucifer told us that I was pregnant, the boys were always there for me, minus Alex. I haven't seen him since he gave me that hint that I was pregnant.

But Damien didn't know that the baby was slowly draining the energy out of me, not like any usual pregnancy but he/she was taking all my energy for itself, but I'm not complaining. Anything to do to keep my first baby alive, I'll do it.

We walked together into the living room and Liam, Eric, Hades were all sitting on the sofa watching an unfamiliar show.

Once they saw that I was here, they all greeted me with ''Are you okay? How do you feel?''

I smiled softly at them, ''I'm better.''

Lie again.

I was using all my energy to hold my body up since I felt like I was going to drop any second now. 

I was thirsty, but every time I had a glass of fresh water, I would be thirsty two seconds later.

I sat on the arm rest of the sofa next to Eric. 

The two other boys were concentrating on insulting each other, just like 14 year old boys. 

''You're not okay, are you?'' 

I looked at Eric, I was closer with them than the rest and he knew when I was lying. 

I shook my head slowly. 

''I knew you were lying!'' A voice behind me yelled.


He seemed angry. 

His outburst caught the attention of all of us. 

''So you don't feel better then? Why didn't you tell me instead of lying to my face Gabriella?'' Damien growled out, his hands brushing through his black hair. He was frustrated.

''I didn't want to be center of the attention, like now.'' I nodded towards all the boys staring.

I got up from my seat, and walked towards Damien. I placed my arms on either side of his shoulders. ''Listen, just stop worrying about me all the time. I know how to handle my self. But I promise that when I feel worse then I'll tell you.'' I gave him a small smile. 

''Fine.'' He gently threw my arms off of him and walked out of the apartment. 

I furrowed my eyebrows.

''He's just angry at you, but you need to know that it's only cause he loves you.'' Liam said, he gently rubs my arm in comfort.

I raised my eyebrow, ''Loves? Honestly it don't seem like it lately.'' 

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