The New Sherif

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Beth, kind of

Blinking I noticed how dull my vision had become, Beth doesn’t have my eyes anymore, not now the adrenaline has stopped. It's not a problem to me, just irritating. I could’ve relinquished control to her after the attack, but I decided to stay, to keep her safe and somewhere she can rest.

Finally Beth’s eyes focused and told me what my nose already had, I was home, well, my definition of the word at the moment. Something, or someone rather large was holding down my new legs and that was becoming just as irritating if not more so than these old woman eyes.

Using my temporary arms and hands I pushed myself up though they felt like jelly, it must be the shock or something, last night was definitely something new, a blur. I rolled my eyes at the black wolf curled up on my feet and wriggled impatiently until I roused the snoozing Alpha.

As I expected he lept to attention, snarling and stamping his big smelly feet at the door, his eyes, ears and tail poised. I stared interestedly at the Wolf as ten seconds ticked by it seemingly convinced itself that it woke on it’s own and started to mount my bed again; I don’t think so.

“Excuse me, but your weight on my feet is not something that I enjoy.” The black wolf yelped in surprise and shot backward awkwardly from my resting place, all the better to see me and, decided to take my blanket into it’s mouth and pull it over my head... ah, he wants to shift, wise.

When the cover was pulled back and I could again - to some extent see, I was knocked backwards by the man engulfing me in a hug, I remained stiff, hugs are not my thing. Slowly he released me and I found myself looking into the eyes of the girl’s Father, well ours I suppose, though I was none too pleased to see him.

The Alpha was all eyes in that moment, wide and transparent with pain... how long have I been out? I looked to my left at the window, it looked like early morning, dawn... how fitting, a new dawn for a new driver.

My face was cupped between two big hands and turned against my will back to Rick. “Beth honey, are you alright?”

A small smirk quirked my lips. “Beth isn’t here at the moment, can I take a message?” I felt a small chuckle in the back of mind, and I'm glad, it was for her benefit anyway... she deserves to be happy, to be taken care of and as it seems no one else around here is fit enough to do it, I will now.

The man stared at me in concern and then he let go of my face, staring. . “Honey, I – I’ll get the Doctor.”

Shaking my head I stretched and then hissed loudly at the sting in my neck. Reaching a hand up I felt where the scum had nicked my skin with filthy claws, that one wasn't going anywhere, ever. Composing myself and doing my best to ignore the Alpha's horror and frankly, rude gawking at my wound I moved on. “There’s no need, I’m Beth’s guardian.” I rattled, feeling cagey all of a sudden at these four walls, I need trees and a horizon, not this.

The Alpha's head tilted to the side. “Her wolf?”

“Yes.” I nodded, happy I wasn't going to have hand hold him through that one.

He shook his head in disagreement. “I don’t understand, where is my daughter? Is she ok? My grandsons -!” He was obviously becoming irate. I held a palm up and he closed his mouth mechanically, surprised by my boldness; get used to it.

“Beth is fine, I’m taking care of her now. The children are also fine, she made sure of that.” Yes, she did very well.

“I still don’t understand.” The urge to groan audibly was almost too much to bear, but I managed it; seriously? Do I have to explain everything?

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