Chapter One: The Imposter

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        Hello, if you’re reading this then my friend has done as I have asked and put my story on paper. I asked him to do this because I wanted the world to know what it’s really like out there. You should be afraid, very afraid. I apologize for what you’re about to read. Everything you’ve ever known was a lie. I suppose I better get to my story.

    My name is Gage, I am 16 years old and a Junior in Wild Wood High School. I’m about 5’6”, sandy blond hair and electric blue eyes. I'm here to tell you the story of my life and how it went straght to hell!!!! It all started when I was very young, around two or so. It all started with my mom.

      My mom was one of the most beautiful woman you have ever seen. She had golden brown hair and hazel eyes. What made her so beautiful was her heart made of gold. She would do anything for anyone asking for nothing in return. It was almost like she was an angel. I wish I had more time with her before it all happened. When i was born my mother dated a guy 10 years older than herself named Luke. They were happy and in love without a care in the world. She would do absolutely anything just to make him smile. That all changed when they were married He became physically abusive and would hurt my mother and I. He began teaching me how to fight when I was about 2 years old. I don’t remember much but I distinctly remember him saying things like “You will be perfect” and “soon the ultimate test will commence”. By the time i was four the abuse  was unbelievable. I had been knocked unconscious twice and had several broken bones. Eventually I started to love training because it was the only time I was unafraid. I trained constantly with the man I thought was my father. One day I woke up from my slumber and couldn't go back to sleep. I walked out to the kitchen to get a glass of water when I overheard him talking to someone. He said “soon it will be time for the child to be born”. “ She has no idea” “Her son is strong he will be an excellent  test forh his new found power”. At that point i put some things together the first is my so called father is not who we think he is. The second is that we were in terrible danger. I rushed back to my room trying not to make a single sound. I waited till morning when Luke ran “errands” we have no idea what those errands are but I have a feeling I don’t want to know. I ran to mother to tell her what I heard. “Mommy!!!!” I shouted.  “ I heard daddy  talking to someone and he said he was gonna feed me to my baby brother”. “That can’t be daddy”.

        “Hush little one” She said with the most calming and soothing voice I’d ever heard. “You simply had a bad dream”. “Besides u don’t even have a little brother”.

        “But mom…”

        “A really bad dream. Now go wash up for breakfast”. She interrupted.

         “Ye..Yes ma'am” I didn’t know what else to do.  She wouldn’t listen to me. Then again looking back I wouldn’t have believed me either.  I Just wished she would’ve.

        A little bit after my 8th birthday was my worst year yet. That year was when I started  3rd grade. I was in high ability; that’s where kids with above average intelligence get together to form a class of their own. We  were working on the mythology unit for the year. Our requirements were to research any mythological creature or monster and write a report on the creature. The teacher Mrs. Minnick gave us time to work in class. I chose demons because I had a certain fascination with the supernatural. After i found out my topic I needed to research it. I found that there are a few  kinds of demons. I went down the webpage and found one of the type of demons that caught my eye. It was called an Incubus- the demon lover. It was odd but its like a voice in my head kept telling me to keep going in reading this one article. As it turns out the Incubus has a few things that makes it different from other demons. The first is that they can human form even one still alive today. It also has two different forms male and female. It feeds on the opposite genders energy like a parasite until it…. until it impregnates the host. It also absolutely hates rejection and can take complete control over the host with a mere touch.

        “I need to go save my mom. It all finally makes sense.”        

        After school I raced home, only to find my “dad” home early. He was talking to mom but he was so quiet I couldn't depict what he was saying. What I saw next told me I wasn't crazy, that it wasn’t all in my head. I saw my “dad” try to kiss my mother but she pushed him away. Then he got a look of what i can only describe as a look of absolute hatred like anger burning in his eyes then he looked calmer all happening in a fraction of a second. He touched my mother’s arm and a blank look came over her like she had been sleep walking this whole time. That was when I knew exactly what I was looking at. He was somthing out of my worst nightmares, he could turn the one person I trusted on me with a single word. The one thing even more troubling is why he was targeting my mother and I? It just didn’t make sense. I decided I would make a plan to get rid of him before it was too late. I stayed up till what seemed like forever. Eventually I got so tired that i passed out.

        “Hello Gage”.

        “Who is that”?

        “Don’t you recognize me”? He then showed his face. It was that thing who was pretending to be my father. He wore a wicked smirk.

        “It’s you”!

        “Why yes, yes it is”.

        “This isn’t real, it’s only a dream. You can’t hurt me”

        “Now that’s where you’re wrong”. “You see, it is a dream but I can very much hurt you. Trust me this is as real as it gets”

        “You’re lying”!!!!

        “You want proof?” In a blink of an eye he was behind me. Until his time he looked like he always had, just like my father. However now his nails grew two inches. His face grew longer and paler. He literally looked like something out of your worst nightmare. Then I felt  a white hot searing pain in my lower back.

        “You feel that”? “Do you still think that I can't hurt you, that this isn’t real”? “Now to my point, I know you’ve figured it all out. You’re smarter than I gave you credit for, but you are still too weak to do anything about it”. “Now then, here’s what’s going to happen,you’re going to wake up and you’re not going to speak another word about this unless you think you’re strong enough to kill me”. “You will continue your training, nursing your hatred for me, when you finally hit the age of 16 your brother will be here and will have the power he needs. That is when you can challenge me”. “Now AWAKE”!!

        I woke up with a jolt. I was still groggy but I smelled pancakes. It  was odd because my mother never I mean NEVER made pancakes. I was so excited I forgot about my weird dream, that is until I sat up.

        “AHHHH” I screamed. The pain was back. I got out of bed in excruciating pain walking over to my full length mirror on the door of my closet. I tried taking off my shirt but it hurt pretty badly and it felt sticky. Then i heard someone coming up the stairs. It was my mother.

        “Why are you screaming”? “Are you ok”? She said

        “My back” I whimpered

        “What about it”? This time it was my “father” speaking.

        I looked back in the mirror and the gash was completely gone and not a scratch on me. The pain was still lingering though.

        “Maybe you should stop being such a baby over nothing” he wore the same smirk as in my dream. It was sickening

        “Calm down Luke” my mother said. It will all be ok. Besides we have to finish our celebration.

        “What are you celebrating mom”?

        “I’ll tell you after you eat breakfast”.

        I followed them downstairs to go eat. I had six pancakes I wasn’t very hungry but I knew I needed to eat a lot for tonights  training because from now on i was gonna train like never before. After I was finished helping with the dishes after we ate Mom told me to sit down so she could tell me the news. I sat in my usual spot for when I would  watch T.V.

        “Here goes” my mom said, “ I'm pregnant".

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