Sensitive to the Light (Chapter 25)

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Dedicated to Kimbasue79 for her amazing comments and praise.


Well, it's been about seven months since I began my journey into the world of writing and nearly sixty thousand words later, I can honestly say it's been amazing.  I'd like to think I've improved and learned alot in the process... I suppose only time will tell.

I would love to write a sequel to Sensitive to the Light - It's been requested and I'll do my level best to come up with something good.


Though it was only a short while that we stood upon the gravelled drive, the silence seemed to manipulate time so that every minute we waited felt like an hour.  MacArthur’s car was the first to pull up, the click as the driver’s side door of his car opened sending time back to its rightful place in the universe as the world sped up again.

Bette began to run towards him, still playing the part of his long lost great, great Granddaughter, barely giving him a chance to get out of the car before enveloping him in a hug which he returned with gusto.  He was still every inch the Scottish warrior; rumour had it that he had been a part of the army who helped Robert the Bruce force back the English in the 14th Century, though he had never admitted to it.  As she dragged him by the hand into the mansion, I couldn’t help but smile as she shot me a conspiratorial wink.

Between Ann, Isaac, Julius, Daegan and I we escorted the visiting vampires inside, convening in the Library once more.  A swift head count confirmed that even with the newcomers, only twenty nine of us prevailed.  Including Fext, we should have numbered fifty.

“Take a seat, please...” I begged the crowd as I clung to Daegan’s hand as if it was a lifeline.  Truthfully, I had never expected to see this day and despite the plan which still brewed in the back of my mind, I was out of my depth.

Daegan cleared her throat.  “Thank you all for coming,” she began, “Although in all fairness, I didn’t give you much choice,” she smiled like a snake about to swallow its prey.  Every head in the room snapped around to face her, their gazes settling on her glowing red eyes.  “Please believe me when I say that I would not have called upon you all if it wasn’t a time of great need.  I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you all to the home of the Saith and introduce you to my cohorts,” she introduced us one by one, giving no sign that she had fallen into our world only a few short days ago.  My heart swelled with pride at her unwavering courage.

Detaching her hand from my own, she stepped out into the room.


I moved around the Library on auto-pilot, exchanging pleasantries and ‘how do you do’s’ until the room simply turned to a blur of faces.  I wondered if Vampires were meant to have enhanced memory on top of everything else, because I sure as hell couldn’t remember the names of even half of the people I had spoken to.  I could feel myself falling apart on the inside, despite the facade I was so desperately maintaining.  As soon as the formalities were out of the way, I directed each house to a member of the Saith, to bring them up to speed on the Prophecy and the events which had occurred so far until only two remained.

Seeing them huddled into the furthest corner of the Library stirred something within me; they were unlike the others I had spoken to, they weren’t only scared for themselves but for each other.  I smiled gently as I felt Callan’s hand slip into my own once more, such a simple gesture causing them to relax visibly.

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