Great, Stuck In Their World ~Naruto Story~ Chapter 08

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I stuck one of my swords in the ground and threw senbon at Kakashi, he dodged, of course. I smirked as the senbon cut a trap I had set up, which he dodged. I picked up my sword and ran at him, throwing punches which he blocked.

My swords are two different lengths, so I brought the smaller one down, which he blocked. I swung my other sword forward towards the bells, his eyes widened as the bells flew up in the air, we both jumped to grab them.

It all seemed in slow motion, I touched all three bells. As I was about to grab them, Kakashi grabbed them first, I frowned and landed on the ground.

He did an eye-closing smile; I think... who knows really, stupid mask. "Close, Naomi-Chan." I nodded. The clock went off, signaling it was time's up.

I walked back to the clock, and noticed Naruto was tied to the post. I jumped up and sat on the post, Sakura and Sasuke were on the ground.

"I bet you didn't get one." Sakura scoffed.

"At least I didn't faint." I said under my breath, which she still caught and glared at me. I just shrugged, "I meant, I told all of you that getting a bell from a Jounin would be hell."

Everyone's stomach growled, Kakashi had his arms crossed and he stared at us "Oh, you guys sounds hungry."

I decided to poke Naruto's hair, I giggled a bit. "Fun..." Naruto sweatdropped, and Kakashi continued.

"About this training, there's no need for you to go back to the Academy,"

Sakura tilted her head in confusion, "But all I did was pass out, was that enough?"

Now I sweatdropped, "Yes Sakura, totally." Obvious sarcasm dripped from my voice, she looked relieved.

Naruto flailed his legs around, "So that means all four of us..."

Kakashi smiled once again. "Yep, all four of you... should quit as ninja!"

Naruto and Sakura's expressions dropped. "What... Why should we have to quit? I mean sure, we didn't get the bells but why?!"

"It means you're all brats who don't deserve to be ninjas." He said simply.

I clapped my hands, "Yay, I'm a brat... there should totally be a show called bratty ninja and then in the first episode, the ninja dies because they're a brat." I nodded my head. That'd be an awesome show, right?

Sasuke got mad and ran at Kakashi. And just like that, Sasuke was on the ground, hands behind his back with Kakashi holding him down.

I stared at Sasuke. Is it just me, or does he need anger management? Although, so does Naruto. Sakura just needs a smack in the face...

"This... is exactly why you're all brats."

Sakura freaked out, "Don't step on Sasuke-Kun!"

I smirked. "Step on his face! Do it, Push the Uchiha's face in the dirt!" Sakura glared at me for saying that,

Kakashi glanced up at us, "You guys are really disrespecting what it means to be a ninja, especially you Naomi."

A frown replaced the smirk on my face. "What... why? I didn't even do anything!"

Kakashi ignored me, "Do you know why we work in teams?"

"What do you mean, Sensai?"

"Meaning you four haven't grasped the answer to this test."

My hand shot up, "I knowww."

Sakura glared. "Well, since you're so smart, why don't you tell us the answer?"

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