Meeting Sky Army Chapter 1

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 I was in the hunger games. We were down in the starting but once we rose I got nervous. I was great at hunger games I admit it but I knew most of these guys were gonna kick, My, Butt. I got in a ready position as everyone got ready too. I looked at everyone as the bell began to ring. At the last bell we all ran to the chest in front of us, I went up and grabbed a stone sword out of the chest and as I got the sword I fist pumped and whispered "yes!" to myself. I then struck everyone in my way. I hit captainsparklez in the stomach with the tip of my sword making him grunt in pain holding his stomach and as noochM ran at me I kicked him in the stomach and stabbed captainsparklez who was holding his pain once more making him die and then I turned around and flipped the noochM on his stomach and stabbed him in his head. I then took there items which were 2 TNT and a crafting table. I began to continue on as I ran for an open field near some mountains. I ran and kept aware as I felt I was being watched... I slowly turned my back and walked backwards as I held out my sword , I felt the presence was closer so I turned around but once I did there was Bashur, who was a inch away from my face! I backed away as I did I threw my sword at his face and he fell backwards and I felt like he was dead but he wasn't the weird feeling of im being watched... it felt more like I was being watched by pro's, not amateurs. I go and keep walking and I saw a chest imbedded in the stone. I opened it and found some potions. I drank a healing potion but once I closed the chest I felt a person behind me with a bow and arrow to my head. I looked back glaring at them and it was a fluffy guy that's brown and has a black suit on who was known as asfjerome. when I did he reached his arm back to release the arrow but I ducked as he let go and I swung at his legs with one of mine while I was down and he fell but he soon jumped up and started shooting bows at me as I ran across near the mountain as he shot them they all hit at the mountain. I slid and ran behind a rock, as I breathed hard I drank the invisible potion. I could see I turned invisible so when he came I decided to go behind him and attack from there. I saw him jump attack from where I was and he was shocked when he saw I wasn't there. I took this as a chance as he leaned over I kicked him in his butt making him fall on his stomach. He turned around on his back looking at me fierce and I narrowed my invisible eyes at him I saw him grin evilly I raised a eye brow still having my eyes narrowed and they began to widen as I saw him clench his fist with dirt and I covered up my face with my hands as he threw it at me and once I was sure it was gone I threw up my hands and said "yes!" as I thought i was invisible still but I saw the guy in front of me look at me with that still evil grin and as I looked I was... visible! I chuckled nervously and said "heh...too late to apologize?" my nervous chuckle vanished in fright as he slowly held up a diamond sword and chuckled "yep" and he began to run after me with his sword "ahh!" I yelled and ran around in circles in the small place but as I turned around I see he's gone and I sighed in relief. as I turned around to run away I see him standing in front of me snickering I screamed out as he still had his sword and turned around, and ran! I turned around only to get hit to the ground and see a guy with low brown hair, white shirt with a checkered red and black hoodie, regular jeans, and red sneakers with a golden necklace. He kind of, almost, sort of looked like me because of his clothes but the sad thing is he reminded me of my....ex boyfriend (jus remember that he looks like meh ex boyfriend and you will understand in the later chapters). I sighed a little but I jumped up holding my ax to the checkered shirt guy and when I narrowed my eyes at him the guy behind me held his sword to my neck. I showed no fear as I stared into the brown eyes of the guy In front of me. Just then the whole game was canceled and we all got sent to the lobby. "What the..." we all 3 said I chuckled a little after we said it and soon after the chat got spammed with people saying it's a 'huge glitch' we all 3 sat there in silence....sitting on 3 chairs near us which spread them away from me. I saw them talking together and they sometimes glanced at me. I stared at them but then the checkered guy glanced once more at me and then he walked over and reached his hand out and I raised a eyebrow. "hey, I'm bajanCanadian aka Mitch, and you are?" he asked I got up and sad "I am JJMASTERS1290, aka jay aka the Tomboy in my group, its not my full name but no one I don't know doesn't get to know it" I said looking down at my feet then up at him again. "Well that's a cool nick name jay" he said "thanks you got a pretty cool name too" I smiled as he smirked at me. "Well if were stating names! Im asfjerome! Aka fluffy or Jerome" the fluffy guy said "nice ta meet ya guys Jerome and Mitch" I said. Just then we all got teleported back into the game but they didn't notice it was death match and it was just us 3. I got an idea and said "you guys got to promise me you wont get mad at me for what im gonna do" I said smirking with a serious face "umm.. Sure biggums" Jerome said as Mitch nodded. "OK close ya eyes!" they closed them tight, and so tight Jerome looked like he was constipated. I quickly took out TNT and set it around them and made a little sign with the words 'hi' on it I ran and yelled "you can open your eyes!" they opened them and read the sign and began to freak out as I threw a Red stone torch at it and it EXPLODED them both and I could hear them yelling at me in funny anger from the lobby. I laughed hard as I took there stuff. And then I see in the chat it says 'JJMASTER HAS WON!' and people cheering and congratulating me and saying 'GG'. I get teleported to the lobby where Mitch was going crazy that he lost "sorry guys I had to!" I yelled holding back my chuckles "eh its ok Mitch will be fine as long as you give him Betty back "who knows... maybe im gonna keep it" I said as I held it closer " oh HELL NAH I found her first" Mitch said playfully pouting "finders keepers losers weepers" I said chuckling "NU –UH" Mitch said and tackled me on the ground "whoa!" we both yelled as we rolled down the hill. We finally ended on the grass and he was on top of me narrowing his eyes playfully "OK I fan! I fan!" I said laughing as he got up and held out a hand for me. I grabbed it and he pulled me up. I handed him 'betty' "thanks "he said. Just then Jerome's phone went off as we came back up "fluffy hairy bacca here, helllllo?" Jerome asked as he put it on speaker "Jerome?! You guys are late! Where are you!?" said a ruff guys voice. Jerome took back his phone and put It to normal and chuckled nervously "ya... We know we were playing hunger games but then we got distracted" just the Jerome pulled the phone away from his ear "uh huh... yup well be there in a couple minutes" Jerome then hung up and sighed in relief "well we gotta go bye j-" wait! Cant we bring her to meet the others?" Mitch said excitedly "YA! Im meh friends are busy helping a relative out in budder town so im gonna be so bored!" "Well... if we get in trouble it's your fault biggums" Jerome said leading the way and I followed them.

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