I'm not the Queen no more....

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I stared back at the blue eyes, taking a defensive stance, because i'd rather be ready than not. Out of the shadows, stalked a very large black wolf. His eyes never leaving me. I gulped. I'm actually fed up of all the male race now. I shifted into my wolf, baring my teeth and hoping to show that i wasn't afraid of him. He slunk along the ground gracefully, each step was strong and delibrate. He was getting closer, but i kept my eyes locked with his. I barked at him, as a warning. As he got closer, he suddenly veered into my side, rubbing his black fur against my softt white fur. I cringed. What gave him the right to do that? I was a mated wolf. I snapped at his tail, making him growl. Suddenly he shifted, standing in front of me, with a smirk plastered on his face. 

"Now why would a pretty femme like you be in my land?" he said. His skin was tanned, and his chocolate brown hair spiked up at the front. His ocean blue eyes stood out against his complextion. He was breathtakingly hansome to the naked eye, but what's inside was still a blur. I didn't know what he was capable of. I sighed and shifted too, looking him straight in the eye. 

"Why would your land happen to be in my way?" i retorted. I placed one hand on my hip, and smirked at him. He laughed, walking over to a tree and leaning up against it. His stance was one of arrogance, he knew he looked good. 

"Where are you travelling, might i ask?" he promted me for a answer. 

"To the Queen. I have some issues i need to discuss with her" i replyed, keeping my glare at him. 

"The Queen. She's been gone for two years. After she was taken, th council saw her not fit to rule, and placed a king on the throne" he explained. I gasped. "Where exactly have you been the last two years?" 

"You will never believe me if i told you" i laughed. He laughed and lifted himself off the tree. I then became serious. "Who is the King now then?" 

"Jason. He was friends with the Queen, but ended up taking her throne when her mate couldn't stand not being with her. But it doesn't matter no more, because mates don't exist now. King Jason couldn't find his mate, and he asked for the council to erase all mates, so he could marry a girl out of love, not fate. Seems silly to me. Everything is going wrong now. We needed the Queen" he confessed. I took a big gulp of air. He gave me a worried look. "Hey, you alright there?" 

"I'm not Queen no more. Jason wasn't meant to be king. Blaze was. Now because of that, fate has ruined my kingdom. There are no more mates." i said, more to myself than him. "What happened to the Queen's daughter can i ask?" i spoke suddenly. 

"She's been taken into Council care. The werewolf council erased her parents so they could find new mates. She will grow up like the other children born around her age. Apparently she was the successor, which has been erased now as well, rumour has it that the next child the queen have will have that gene instead, as if they were never born" he recieted like it was stored in his brain. 

"What happens to all those who have no mates no more?" i asked, now scared at the thought of what might happen. 

"They are entered into a game, where they fight to be with each other. It's anyones game, so you might end up with anyone. i'm in it this year, the opening ceremony is two days from now" he explained to me. 

"Could i maybe come with you to this game, so i can get there? I don't know the way, i've been away for a long time. Two years to be precise" I asked, then paused. " What will happen to the Queen if she appears in these games?" 

"I am travelling tomorrow, if you want to join me on my journey. If the Queen shows up, and finds herself a mate, then she will become the Queen once more, and peace will be restored to the land." He smiled. Then he walked towards me. " Come on, i'll take you back to the pack house, and once your cleaned up you can tell me what your doing in my  land" He started to walk off, and i followed, making sure to keep close, just in case Ren was watching from the side lines. 


Walking into the pack house was the thing i dreaded. When a Alpha brings a random woman home, it apparently means something. And, it's not like i was able to sneek around the pack, because they were all sat, waiting for their alpha to return. I was glad that i was with someone i felt i could trust, someone who was loyal to the crown. I could tell when people were lying, and i could see it in his eyes, that he was sincere. 

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