Chapter 9 - The fight

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My week is going great as for the girls I'm afraid I can't say the same. I had gotten Sadie yesterday, I got Sadie trying to forge Mr. Delgado's signature. It was Friday morning now and I had three more girls I had to catch in the act of doing something bad. Danni who I have to admit I wasn't paying much attention to, Ariana, and Alex who were making it exceptionally hard for me to catch doing something bad anything.

I was right in front of the bathroom door when Alejandra came out of her room.

"Good morning Jericho." She said putting her hand on my chest pushing back and entering the bathroom.

"Why does it seem I can never go to the bathroom in peace in this house?!" I yelled through the door and got no response. i really need some dirt on that girl.


At lunch i told the guys what I have been doing this whole week and their replies kind of shocked me.

"I don't know Jericho this doesn't seem like a very great idea." Eli commented.

"Yeah those Delgado girls seem dangerous." Brandon added with a grin.

"Enoch reacted the same way you guys worry to much its. You just have to beat them at their own game that's all." I said taking a bite of my food.

"Yeah but these girls have been playing this game for years and you just started. It like taking a professional football player and putting hm up against some freshman in high school who do you think will win." Mark made a valid point but I don't think this is the same thing.

"Whats up guys?" James who I've only talked to twice since the first day when he helped me, asked us.

"Jericho thinks he'll get away with black mailing the Delgado girls." Eli answered.

James turned to me without hesitation turned to me. "Were you dropped on your head as a child?"

"You guys underestimate me." I said with confidence.

"And you, my friend, overestimate yourself." Brandon replied.

"Yeah whatever." I said getting up to throw away my food.

After school i was about to get in the car when Kassandra stopped me.

"Wait can you go tell Danni that Mami and Papi want her to come home with us today?" She asked.

"Um sure, where is she at?" i questioned throwing my back pack into the back seat.

"Bottom floor the room completely at the end of the hall. You can't miss it its the only one with a swimming pool." She explained.

I went jogging down the halls until I found the indoor pool. I looked around at all the girls faces and did not see Danni. I walked up to the lady who looked like the couch and noticed all the girls were giving me either a disgusted or confused look. Then I noticed what this probably looked like. A boy walking into an all girls swimming practice and staring at them.

"Is there something I can help you with?" The couch lady asked.

"Um yeah, do you have um Dia, I mean Alex, I mean Danni Delgado in here." I stumbled over my words noticing the girls were starting to whisper.

"No Danni isn't here and you really shouldn't be either young man." She said looking like she was about to start laughing at my discomfort.

I mumbled a quick sorry before speed walking out of there.

I got back in the car and before anyone said anything I spoke up. "You realise you sent me in there looking like a massive pervert." I said to Kassandra. All the girls started bursting out laughing.

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