Chapter 5

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Chapter Five

"You know, you don't have to go back to school right away. The only reason the Doctor said you could go back the first day is because he knows you hate resting and sitting around. But I just don't think your body is ready for the stress." Sal said as he helped me slowly down the stairs with Baize walking backwards down the stairs with both his hands up in caution, ready to catch me if I fall.

Funny thing is, if I happened to fall; I would take him tumbling down with me.

"Sal, I'll be fine. I think." No way was I going to be fine.

The little walking i've done around the mansion has already strained me enough, and I've only walked twice down the stairs, this time included.

"Baby steps, Kiddo, baby steps. You know I support any decisions you make, but I just want to make sure your head is clear when you're making this decision. Can you really handle a full day of running around hallways and getting to class on time? The stress, everyone talking, whispering, knowing who you are now. Liv what i'm trying to say is don't rush yourself." Sal looked down at me, stopping me at the bottom of the stairs, placing both hands on my shoulders, forcing me to look straight into his concerned eyes.

"I hear you Sal. And believe me when I tell you that you'll be the first to call if I can't handle it." I raised my right hand and put it on his shoulder, giving him a stern look.

"Okay?" I whisper

Sal started to nod his head. "Okay."

But he made no move to move his hands from my shoulders, which resulted in the pressure of the weight from Sal's hand weighing down my bad shoulder, sending shooting pains down my arms and all around my shoulder.

I cleared my throat. "Ehh, Sal. You're kind of in a way tweaking my shoulder a bit."

"Sh*t, my bad Liv. See you're not going anywhere! You're not ready!" he bellowed in my face and turned around hold a fist up to his mouth pacing back and forth like a mad man.

"You're losing it old man. It's just school, I'll be okay. Now, get my snow jacket off the rack and help me put it on!" I laughed, completely entertained with his mini freak out happening before my eyes.

He turned on his heels and gave me and incredulous look. "I am NOT old! How many times do I have to tell you i'm only thirty-two? People still tell me I look like i'm in my mid twenties." He hmphed at the last part and crossed his arms like a little child.

I rolled my eyes. I knew he didn't look old, he actually looked mouth watering hot, but I knew calling him old irked him, so me being me, took every chance I got to pick on the poor guy.

"Jacket, Sal. I'm already running late as is." I said as I patted him on the cheek and slowly made my way to the large oak doors.

Sal helped me slide my right arm through the jacket then draped the other side on my shoulder and zipped the gold zipper all the way up, encasing me like a cocoon in my snow white, down jacket. Sal handed my keys over to me once I wrapped my teal scarf around my neck. After helping me put on my teal beanie, he kissed my cheek and opened the doors for me.

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