Let The Mission Begin.

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Kagemi sighed a long, heavy sigh as everyone moved underground. Kagemi and Medusa were on their snakes, Karasu was on one of her ravens, Eruka was on Tadpole Jackson with Free. The most boring thing ever to Kagemi, she sighed. Karasu looked over at her.

"Not having fun yet?"

"No! Who could be?!" Kagemi asked.

"Good point. But, hey, since you have links to the Mizunes you can see what going on outside." Karasu said.

Kagemi just realized that, she used the links, she then saw the most horrific thing any DWMA student could see. She saw Death City burning, even parts of the DWMA were! And still it went on, explosions and the tearing down of buildings. Kagemi could see it all, along with it she could hear.

"Chi-Chi-Chi!" the Mizunes would say between screams of innocent people and even children, the cries of babies too, how could the Mizunes do this? With their own hands? Kagemi watched all she could do was watch. But, then, something changed a purple cat jumped into one of the Mizunes' vision and kicked her straight into building. Kagemi knew that cat... That cat was... Blair! All the Mizunes landed infront of Blair.

"How dare you! It took me forever to find that source of food!" Blair cried, she was angry about the fish shop?

"Chi-chi-chi." all the Mizunes said.

"Cheeky little rats." Blair said. But Kagemi couldn't watch any longer, they'd finally arrived.

"These souls....There's no question about it.." she could Maka say. "This nasty, dispicable feeling! Papa!"

"What do you mean 'nasty and dispicable'?" Spirit asked.

"How did you escape?" Stein asked.

"No ones faster than me when it comes to chasing women." Spirit said with a wink.

"I should have guessed. But this is a real relief. I wasn't sure how much I could do without my weapon. Are they up ahead, senpai?"

"Yeah, they're lying in wait." Spirit said and turned into his weapon form.

"Listen up. There's no telling what will happen from this point on. It's best for you weapons not to return to your human forms. You could lose your lives in one blow." Stein said.

"Right!" Tsubaki said.

" 'Kay!" Patti said.

"Y-Yeah.." Liz agreed.

"Wait! They're lying in wait? Aren't they on their way to the Kishin?" Blackstar asked.

"No, I doubt all of them are."

"Hey. You hear something?" Blackstar asked.

"Huh? R-Really?" Maka asked. "I hear it!"

Footsteps, what they were hearing were footsteps.

"Sounds like footsteps." Kid said.

"So, they're finally showing themselves, huh?" Blackstar said. "Just who is it?"

"Someone confident that won't lose against many opponents. If not two who are like that. Someone who can attack many at the same time and prevent them from getting through." Stein said. And out of the shadows came Medusa and Kagemi. The two snake ladies without Soul Protect.

"So, it is you..." Medusa said.

"Here's my basic plan. For the most part, we can anticipate how the enemy will act. Medusa and Kagemi are the first road block. The second barrier is probably--" Kagemi cut him off.

"If you really want to know, if we don't kill you here, it's another witch that will."  Kagemi said.

"The second barrier is probably Karasu, she disappeared from the party also. The third barrier is the demon sword. And the remaining two should be headed for the Kishin. The werewolf Maka ran into before is immortal and will be protecting the black blood at all costs. So, this is what we will do... First, I'll keep Medusa and Kagemi busy. You three will rush past them as quickly as possible. Kid, you're the most mobile of the group. You'll go after the two who are after the Kishin. Blackstar, you'll have to ignore the second witch and go straight to the Demon Sword, so Kid and Maka can get through. As you're able to fight with your soul wavelength. And Maka,  you'll get past Medusa and the Demon Sword and caught up with Kid at which point you'll destroy the black blood. Ignore the second witch, if I kill these two then I'll deal with her." Stein said.

Mother, I Don't Think I Can Handle This. (A Soul Eater Fanfiction BEING EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now