Chapter 26: Rommel's Plan

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A/N: It was my birthday yesterday and It was fun. Sorry dahil di ako nakapag update last week. I was one of the unlucky wattpad user who can't open the website: :) 

Enjoy reading!


Chapter 26: Rommel's Plan

By: Amira Kazuki


While the two lovebirds are busy doing something somewhere in Seoul, let me take you back to the Philippines where the most intriguing character lives....No other than.....Donna Smith....

.(A/N: Just kidding but yeah... ^_^)


"Where's Daniel?! I haven't seen him recently!"  Donna stomped her feet while she's having her 10 minute break from their rehearsal.

"Donna...Donna...Tsk..tsk.. Being left alone again? Daniel went out to have a vacation" Karen,one of the staff said. Obviously, she's on Donna's side instead.

"WHHAAAT? Where?!" Donna was too surprised. How come she didn't know about this?

"It's not a question of 'Where'.... It's with "Whom" The staff smiled wickedly.

"What do you mean by that?' Donna raised her eyebrow.

"Daniel took Kathryn to ------"  Karen wasn't able to finish her sentence when somebody suddenly walked in.

"Don't you have important tasks to do, Miss Karen? Unless, you want me to report you to the Director"  Enrique said with a threat.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Gomez. I'll resume now my duty." Karen went ahead, leaving the two alone.

"I have to go! I have to stop them, I have to do what I'm supposed to do!"   Donna began to act desperate and pathetic as she started running away.

"Come here, you little brat!". Enrique stopped her by holding her hand and surrounded her into his arms. "I've enough of you already! You're going after them and then what, you're gonna steal Daniel from Kath?! Why can't you just let it go! leave them alone".

"I can't! *sobs*...Can't you understand that?! I love him...*sobs*... I love DJ so much..That it hurts.. And you won't know that 'cause you've never love someone before! Now, let me go!" .  Donna's tears began to fell  as she tries to get away. 

 'You're wrong! I know exactly what you're feeling.. I..used to love Kath as much as you  love Daniel but there are some things that we have to let go" Enrique hugged her more tightly with comfort. 

Donna's tears began to fell. "You're just like the others!  You all never care about me.  It's always about Kath and Daniel! I've had enough!! I should break the two apart!  I should --------uhmmp"  Donna's words are trapped inside by some soft lips on her mouth.

Enrique's kisses made her loosen  a little bit. His hands cupped her cheeks as he gently  let go of her lips. "Listen to me, Donna. Don't ever say that I don't care about you 'cause I do. I really do but that  stubborn head and blind eyes of yours failed to see. Because all you see is Daniel.  While I'm just a guy who's being overshadowed by Him."

"What do you mean?" Donna threw a questionning look at him.

"Don't you get it?" Aish.. I like you, Donna... A Lot. But it seems you won't see that" Enrique took a deep breath, folded his arms and turn to walk away, leaving a confused Donna behind.



"Mr.Perkins..I have tried my best..but your son...doesn't love me..... He loves Kathryn.".   Donna said as she tried to be strong.

"Kathryn?! Is he still seeing that girl?! I thought I had already my word with that ORPHAN GIRL. Tch. Looks like It's my time to show them what I'm really capable of doing". Rommel Perkins puffed the cigarette as he clenched his fist.

"Sir, I didn't come here to ask for your help. I only came here to say that I've finally given up". Donna clarified the misunderstanding.

"Ah I see... Let me ask you this. Do you still love my son?"

"Yes,even if it hurts already. That's why i'm setting him free".

"My dear daughter-in-law, In Love..... 'You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back and I won't let that happen” Rommel said as he looked into her with such anger. 

Even though Donna's not pretty sure of what Mr. Perkins was thinking of but she knew it wasn't a good one.  After their long talk, they parted ways and Rommel began to set his plan into action.

 "Pablo! " Rommel called his supportive secretary. "Ready the limousine, We'll be visiting someone who needs to disappear on this word". He commanded him furiously.

"Ye-es..Sire.". Pablo said utterly with such a soft voice. If only he can stop his boss, he would. 



"Mark! What are you doing here?!" Rommel was surprised to see one of the Daniel's bodyguard standing outside Kathryn's apartment door.

"Young Master Perkins ordered me to watch over her". Mark bowed down upon the meeting of the Director.

"And you obeyed him?! Out of the way, Imbecile!!! i have to talk to this worthless girl!!!".  Rommel knocked on the door with force.






"Alright! I'm there already!! Sheesh! Stop pounding the door!! " A middle-aged lady said as she opened the door.

And to his surprise, it was.....................

"Margret Florete ? Your Kathryn's real mother?!'




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