Knight In Shining Armor (Temporary title!)

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"No, Brent you promised to pick me up! I need to be at Juilliard in like a half an hour you can't just ditch me!"

Brent is my boyfriend, we've been dating for a few months and it's not going too great.

"Sorry babe, but things came up. Haylee came over and well, babe we should talk, where are you?"

He's supposed to be taking me to Juilliard for my audition, I'm a dancer as well as musician and I am applying for a scholarship because my dad refuses to pay for it.

"You're with Haylee? You want to know where I am? At Starbucks where you were supposed to meet me an hour ago! Don't even bother Brent, we're over. Have fun with Haylee."

I end the call I run my hands through my hair and look down trying to think of a plan to get to the school. 

After checking maps on my phone I've eliminated walking as an option. Living in New York City I've never really needed a car, plus I'm a going to be a senior in a few days so affording one isn't easy unless I give in and go to med school like my father so badly wants. He's a pretty big shot doctor around here and he wants to have a cute little father daughter hospital. Too freaking bad.

I jump caught off guard when a hand touches my shoulder from behind.

I turn to face a man who looks to be in his very early twenties. Brown hair and the biggest emerald eyes I have ever seen.

"Excuse me, I couldn't help but to hear your predicament. Did you say you needed a ride to Juilliard?"

Was this incredibly attractive man asking me if I needed a ride? I need to get out of my trance before he realizes I am staring.

Too late.

"Yoo hoo anyone home" he waves a hand in front of my face and flashes his gorgeous and perfect smile.

"Yeah sorry, I'm just stressed. What were you saying?" That wasn't exactly a lie. I am stressed.

"Riiiggghttt" he over exaggerates his sarcasm causing me to roll my eyes,

"Anyway, I was just heading over to Juilliard, believe it or not. I'd be more than happy to give you a ride."

alright, I know accepting rides from strangers, incredibly attractive sarcastic strangers, is risky and I would normally side against it. But my future is relying in me getting to that school on time, right now. I'm desperate.

"You? You would drive a complete stranger that you bumped into at Starbucks to a performing arts school"

"Of course not! What kinda guy do you think I am!" he says, fake gasping.

"But I didn't bump into you, I tapped your shoulder." He says with a sarcastic smirk.

"So yes?"

"Yep." He replies, popping the 'p'

" thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to me!"

"No problem, and I think I do. I've been there."

"You're a student?"

"Yeah, starting next week I'm a senior there. I can start my student teaching at high schools." He explains while leading me down the side walk to his car.

"So that would make you,what, 22?" If he started there at nineteen that is how old he would be .

He looks down at me meeting my eyes then straight forward again.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2014 ⏰

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