Chapter Nine

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"Why do you keep staring over there?" 

I lifted my chin from my hand and look at the pink hair girl next to me, "how long have you been there?" 

Marie gave a shrug, picking up her fork and stabbing a spinach leaf, "a few seconds. Can I sit with you?" 

"You already are," I snorted. 

Marine nodded, picking up a tomato and smiling before popping it into her mouth, "so. Why do you keep staring down the table?" 

I shook my head, "I wasn't staring." 

"You were staring, I saw from my table." 

"Why're you over here?" I asked as politely as I could, but it came out cold and snappish. 

Marie put down her fork and frowned, "you look like you could use a friend...I just thought..." she got up from the bench and left without another word. 

I hit my forehead, great. The one girl who wanted to be friends and I scared her off....I groaned before pushing my plate of chicken and peas away from me. 

"You should eat something, you look a  little paler than usual," I looked up, Draco's eyes looked dull as he looked down his nose at me. 

"I'm fine," I whispered. 

The normal Draco would've smirked, made a comment, but there was something wrong with him, I could see it. Draco gave a cough before Pansy appeared and wrapped her arm around his waist, her eyes sparking at me with her snide smirk she only gave to Gryffindors. It hurt to be on the receiving end of this look. 

"Come Draco, let's leave my baby sister alone," Pansy giggled.

I returned my attention to my half eaten plate as the two walked along, the food in front of me suddenly looked even more rotten than I'd previously thought. With small steps I slowly left the Great Hall and walked to the library to find a book to hopefully distract me from my problems. Maybe my feelings for Draco will go away soon. 

I can only hope


I took my seat in Transfiguration gingerly as I looked at Marie, her face was neutral as she stared straight ahead. 

"Hello,"  I said quietly. She nodded her head, twirling her quill between her fingers, "I'm sorry. I'm not good at making friends." 

"Well spotted," she muttered. 

My mouth opened and closed at the cold remark, "I'm sorry." 

Marie gave a shrug, "I don't try to go out of my way to make friends. So it hurt a bit when you-" 

"I didn't mean to sound so mean, I was only asking because I'm use to being left alone." 

Marie looked at me out of the corner of her eye, with a defeated sigh she smiled, "I think I can forgive you then....but only just." 

"Well....gee....thanks...." I whispered, taking out my parchment and quill before McGonagall appeared and began the lesson. 

"You fancy Draco Malfoy, don't you?" 

"W-w-what?! No I do not!" I stammered.

Marie snorted, giving a triumphant grin, "I knew it. You always stare at him during meals." 

"No I don't," I whispered, feeling my face heat up slightly. 

"Uh huh....if you're sure about that then." 

I chewed on the inside of my cheek, I have to stop fancying him. 


"Your sister is starting to look pretty sick." 

"Ah, well...she'll be fine." 

 Draco rolled his eyes at Pansy's comment, slowly moving away from her as they walked down the hall, "Pansy. I need you to leave me alone for a bit." 

"What?" She snapped. 

"I have a lot of things to do, I can't have you around being a distraction," he tried again. 

"Are you dumping me?!" her voice was getting higher. 

"We were never really together," Draco shrugged, "but yes, in basic terms. I suppose you can say that." 

 Pansy gritted her teeth, giving a nasty look, "you're a prat, Draco Malfoy." 

Draco shrugged, not particularly caring about how Pansy was feeling at the moment, he wanted to get rid of her. She was more obnoxious when you added snogging to the mix of their twisted relationship. "Are you going to go cry now?" He raised a perfectly sculpted eyebrow as he watched her eyes water slightly. 

Her eyes narrowed as she glared daggers at the blonde before turning on her heel and storming off, "thank god," he muttered before looking over his shoulder and hurrying to the seventh floor. 

The tapestry looked larger than normal as he thought of precisely what he wanted, walking three times as he thought hard about his intentions. When the door materialized he felt himself begin to shake, his fingers slowly touched the brass handle as he pulled it towards him, feeling the ice seep through his skin. 

He was met with a room that was obstructed with useless and possibly damaged objects, walking through the useless debris until he came upon what he was here for. 

The vanishing cabinet. 


Sorry for the short chapter! I wanted to have the story start moving a bit more. Hope you enjoy it!! :) 

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