Chapter 13: A Choice

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I sat on the bed for hours. Thoughts jammed in my head, tears falling down my face. After a while I heard her enter. I didn't need to turn my head, I could tell by the little hairs on the back of my neck and the heat spread through my body as I felt her eyes on the back of my head.

 "Are you okay?" she asked hesitantly. I sighed, still not willing to face her. My eyes were most likely large red balloons. I wiped them one more time, making sure they were dry before slowly nodding. I wish Ash had never found us. I wish Vera had never saved me, more than that, I wished I had just died from the wounds that should've killed me. I heard her walk over, her shoes tapping quietly against the wooden floors. When she reached me, I felt her put her hand on my back; a fire ignited sending tingles throughout my body. I almost shuddered but stopped myself.

 "You have to leave," I said, remembering what she said earlier about leaving.

 'We do have to leave," She said, agreeing with me. I gently shook my head, looking up at her face through my hair. She gazed down at me, a confused expression played over her face.

 "No, you have to leave. It is too dangerous." I said, hiding behind the wall of my black hair.

 "What do you mean, it is too dangerous?" she asked, trying to get me to look at her. When I refused, she grabbed my chin and pulled it towards her but I kept my eyes from meeting hers.

 "If they find us, they will kill me and you and I..." I trailed off, I had said too much. I wanted to hit myself. She looked down at me seriously and I finally looked up at her eyes, red crossing my face within seconds.

 "They won't kill you because I won't let them find you. I promise." She said, looking me straight in the eye, her hand still holding my face.

 "It doesn't matter," I said, shaking my head and loosening her grip. She dropped her hand and I dropped my gaze. "I still can't come with you."

 "You're not going to die Blake, I won't let you,"

 "It's not that." I answered back, getting flustered. I wanted her to leave. Why wouldn't she just leave?

 "Then what?" she asked, reaching for my face again. I slapped her hand away, looking up at her. My temper was getting the better of me again.

"Why won't you just leave?" I half shouted. I tried to calm myself down more. Emotions flew around inside me, angry, fear and one I couldn't name. Her eyes widened in shock, she quickly recovered, opening her mouth.

 "Why are you angry?" She asked.

 "I'm not." I said, hearing the anger in my tone. I really had to control these outbursts. I didn't know what had come over me. I went to turn away from her but she grabbed my arm, pulling me back towards her.

 "Blake, tell me the real reason why you want me gone and I'll leave." She said, sadness covered her tone and eyes. I felt bad at once, lowering my gaze to the floor.

 "For some reason, I don't want you dead." I mumbled, so low I could barely hear myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2014 ⏰

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