Chapter 55 <3 - The End

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Chapter 55 <3

“Okay this is it Cordell” I said as we just finished loading the U-Haul truck with my college stuff. “Symone this sure is it. I’m seriously going to miss you.” I sighed and tried not to cry. “I know and I’ll truly miss you to.” I said already tearing up. “But of course it’s best for us to not be together since we are far apart.” He said grabbing hold of my hand. “I know, I’ll truly miss you. Even the other day.” He nodded and chuckled. “That was the best night ever. I’ll never forget you. I just feel bad because I feel as if I’m leaving you after you know what.” I nodded and said “Trust me I don’t feel lonely, it’s best for us to focus on school and everything.” He nodded and said “I love you Symone” I nodded and just busted out crying. “Please just don’t forget me.” He nodded and said “I won’t” he embraced me into a hug and we stood like that for the moment.

When Cordell left I just felt empty even though I told him I won’t. I miss going to miss him so much. I thought I would have to focus on College but I just miss him. I sat down on the couch and my mom came in. “Are you all pack? I can’t believe you are actually leaving me. I’m glad you got everything situated last week and just have to take the stuff down there.” I nodded and said “I’m just so sad. I’ll be so lonely there. Nobody will be there with me.” I said crying my eyes out. Michelle’s going to New York, I’m living in Alabama and Cordell’s going to Pennsylvania now. We will be separated forever. My mom rubbed my back and said “Well not really.” I looked up and said “Yes really.” She sighed and my dad came in. “You didn’t tell her Sierra?” My dad said. I looked between the two and my mom said “I was getting there. Um sweetie what if I tell you that you have a roommate you will know.” I sighed and said “You wish.”

 I sniffed and then all of a sudden I hear. “ROLL TIDE! CRIMSON! ROLL TIDE” I knew that voice to well. I looked at the door and saw Michelle dressed in Alabama clothes. “MICHELLE” I screamed jumping up on her. We both started screaming together and I stopped. “Mommy and Daddy how?” I looked at them asking. My mom smiled and said “I just knew since Cordell couldn’t go someone else had to. We lie through it all, you and Michelle share a dorm not that rude girl.” I smiled and hugged Michelle again. “SO when are me and Michelle due to leave for like official?” I asked grinning. My dad smiled and said “The truck already left so tomorrow morning is when you and Michelle’s flight leave. So tonight we are taking you guys out to eat.” I nodded and my mom smiled. “I bought your girls an outfit in the guest room. Go get ready girls.” I nodded and we ran upstairs. I was so happy! Michelle and i will get to travel to school together and I’ll spend my college experiences with my best friend. I can’t wait!!

That night

We had just finished getting ready and we looked really nice. We took a few pictures then we went downstairs. “You girls look really nice.” My mom said smiling. “I know we do. Can we hurry and leave, I’m starving.” I said sitting down. “Yea but can I atleast go get my purse and out the lights?” she said being smart. “Fine” I said getting back up and we walked out the house.

When we reached red lobster I was starving. It made my mouth water. We walked inside and the restaurant was full of people I knew. I look around and of course my eyes landed on Cordell. I smiled and he walked over to me and we hugged. “I’m mad at you.” I said smiling. He chuckled and said “Well it wasn’t my fault.” I chuckled and said “its fine.” we hugged again and I sat down ready to order my food.

The dinner was really nice, and we had so much fun. I’m glad I can be around people who make my day. I was ready to leave but my parents were still talking. “Cordell can you take Michelle and I home?” I asked him getting up. “Yea come on. We got to talk anyway seeing as you leave tomorrow!” I nodded and we said bye before leaving.

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