Chapter 22

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McKinley looked up, hearing the soft pinging sound of a parachute. The silver glinted, and she reached up for it. She looked to Cinocca for a second, before opening it. The case itself was huge; with a big number '2' on the side. McKinley didn't even know how the parachute could support it. She took a deep breath, eager to see what had been sent to her. Inside the parachute was a sleek black crossbow. It was gorgeous, and dangerous. She pulled out a quiver, with a dozen thin black arrows, this was a real weapon.

“Why did they send me this?” she whispered, still staring at it in awe.

“That’s why,” answered Cinocca, gesturing towards the ground.

Kryton was stumbling around, with a sword in his hand. Cinocca looked over to McKinley for a second.

“I’ll distract him,” he whispered, jumping down from the branch.

“You don’t have a weapon!” Mckinley tried to tell him, but Cinocca was already advancing on Kryton.

He walked forward, to the blonde boy. Kryton turned towards him quickly, slashing without aim. Cinocca stepped back, but the blade cut across his cheek. He began to laugh, and Kryton shoved him against a tree.

“I knew you were bad,” the blonde said, pushing Cinocca’s head into the trunk. “I told them, but they didn’t believe me!” Cinocca laughed harder, his chest trembling.

“You really think you’re gonna win?” Cinocca yelled.

“I am,” Kryton said angrily. “You are going to die.”

Cinocca turned his head, letting the blood from his cheek drip into his mouth. Then he spat into Kryton’s face, continuing his chuckling. Kryton got more angry, his eyes narrowing.

“You’re a fool!” yelled Cinocca. “It was always supposed to be like this. You were always supposed to die!” And then something hit him in the stomach, his smile faltering. He looked down at his stomach, seeing an arrow protruding from Kryton’s chest, and into his own stomach. Kryton stepped back, and tumbled to the ground. Cinocca clutched at his stomach, placing pressure on the now open wound. Kryton’s cannon went off, and Cinocca fell to his knees.

“Cinocca!” yelled Mckinley, running to his side. She looked down at him, watching blood seep out between his fingers. She grabbed his arm, pulling to his feet. “We need to get you stitched up.”

“I’m fine,” said Cinocca breathily. “It’s not deep.” He coughed, lurching forward. McKinley held him tighter, keeping him from falling.

“You can hardly stand” she struggled to hold Cinocca, as his knees buckled again. She stopped, letting him down to his knees. He coughed again, blood seeping from his lips.

Mckinley’s heart raced. Suddenly she was afraid, and she shouldn’t have been. Cinocca was a variable, an obstacle between her and the finish line. But she noticed a stirring in her chest; she cared about him living or dying. She didn’t want him to die. She collapsed to her knees beside him, her breath shallow, she felt a tear run from her eyes as she blinked.

“Don’t worry” whispered Cinocca, wiping the single tear from her cheek. “I’m fine” He leaned in towards her, placing his lips softly against hers. “I’m fine”

“What happened?” McKinley looked up in surprise, seeing Harlow and Ajax entering the clearing.

“We heard three cannons, weren’t you guys only going after the boy from six?” asked Ajax.

Cinocca coughed loudly, sending another stream of blood. “Kryton and Crystal, they tried to kill us, I don’t know why...”

“Stay still,” ordered Harlow. “It’s better if you don’t move.” She reached into her pack, pulling out a first aid kit. She tossed the kit to McKinley. “So it’s just us now?” she asked.

“Yup, it’s just us.”

Let the games begin.


Night had fallen, but the temperature continued to rise, the sand scorching hot. McKinley shifted uncomfortably in her spot. She leaned over, poking Harlow in the shoulder.

“Harlow,” she whispered, poking the girl in the arm.

She jolted awake immediately, checking out the surroundings by instinct. “What’s wrong?” she asked urgently.

“It’s about Ajax” McKinley said, pointing to the his sleeping form. “It wasn’t just Crystal and Kryton who had teamed up to kill us. Ajax was with them too”

“You’re sure?” Harlow asked, not wanting it to be true.

“I know. He always seemed so nice. I never could have guessed before,” McKinley said. “But the way he draws back from everything, it’s like he’s planning something.”

Harlow suddenly felt angry. She’d believed every word he’d said. “I can’t believe I let him manipulate me!”

“I know it’s terrible, but we have to kill him next.” McKinley sighed.

“Tomorrow?” Harlow asked.

“Yes. have a feeling that there’s not much time left.

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