A Brief Word At the End

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  • Dedicated to To Laura and Grace, my amazing girls

It seemed right to make the title of the last chapter The End of Everything because it was the end of this story, the end of Robert and Georgie being held prisoner together, and the end of the very first book I've ever written.  

There is a sequel, Love You Forever, and here is the blurb:

A young man struggles to carry on, scarred and broken by everything that's happened to him since he was kidnapped and held prisoner. What happened to the beautiful, mysterious girl who haunts his dreams? Will the love they shared be strong enough to bring them together again? Find out in Love You Forever!

Head on over to my profile to find out what happens next for Robert and Georgie, as well as the answer to your most burning questions - Why was Robert kidnapped and how did Georgie wind up in that terrible place? 

Thank you so much for reading Stolen Hearts!  I love this story, and I love Georgie and Robert.  Writing it has been one of the most rewarding things I've ever done, aside from raising two beautiful, amazing daughters.  Knowing other people have loved it as much as I do has made the experience that much richer.  A sincere thank you to everyone who voted, commented and became a fan because of this story!  Your support means the world to me.

Please leave a comment and let me know what you think of Stolen Hearts, I would love to hear your thoughts!



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