My New Step Brother is Onew From SHINee?!

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My parents divorced when I was sixteen and I've lived with my dad in Louisiana for three years while my mom went off to North Korea to find herself.

She claimed that my dad had stolen her identity within herself, so now she had to leave and make a new identity for herself.

Any way, after being gone for three years, going on four, keeping in touch by phone, mail, and email, my mom is getting married and wants me to move up their with her and her soon to be new husband.

Did I mention she wants me to be the maid of honor?

Yeah, I'm not a "dress" type girl, but for my mom, I'll deal with it.

My flight is tomorrow morning, and I'm scared.

Yes, scared.

I am terrified of flying and my mom is going to be busy so my new step brother and his friends are going to pick me up from the air port.

Will you come with me?

Waite, you will?!


Did I mention you're the best?! Because you totally are!

My New Step Brother is Onew From SHINee?!Where stories live. Discover now