Forbidden Love Part 3

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 Ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok last chapter guys mora and branda got into a cat fight and the principal came in screaming! ahahahahh ok ok ok here are more details!

"YO KNOCK IT OFF!" the principal Mr.Pirmanio yelled.

"wtv...i just finished kicking her ass...she is so not cool*flips hair*" Mora said trying to be funny.

"AHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAH" me and saba died of laughter.

"THE OFFICE NOW! ALL 4 OF YOU!"Mr.Priamnio yelled and pointed at me, saba, mora, and Brenda

"WHAT? what the hell did i do? I wanna die old!" Saba said confused and pissed.

The rest of us just walked to office.

We were told to wait in the waiting room until Mr.Priamio was ready to see us in his office. The waiting room was very dirty! we were sitting on dirty ugly broken blue chairs in a very smelly small room with a coffe table that had an ash tray over filled.

"Ok he is ready for you! now behave douche bags!" Miss.Barbra yelled at us.

We quickly sat in the office witch was super well kepted and clean with beautiful leather sofa's. The oppisite of the waiting room!

" Mora and Brenda you are here for the fight...Please see the vice principal...he will discuss your punsiment!" Mr.Priamnio said very calmy.

"Ok thanks sir" brenda and Mora said while leaving.

"Ok now you 2 are here for something else!" Mr.Primaio said to me and Saba.

Me and Saba looked at each other very worried! WTF could we have done?

"Ok...So just a few momments ago I got a call from a mother of one of our student's Valerie Molino...and like she said that you Saba pushed her down the stairs and you Giancarlo witnessed it and helped!" Mr.Priamanio said.

"UM WTF!!! NEVER! WHAT THE---I DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND!" Me and Saba said confused.

"Why aren't you 2 Giancarlo F and Saba S?" He said super confussed.

"NOOOO...Im Giancarlo N...and She is Saba C...." I said in a pissed off voice.

"Oh my may leave...You 2 should be lucky! cuz if you were would be suspended!"

"mkay...BYE!" we both said as leaving.

After we closed the door and walked to out locker we started dieing of laughter!

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA" Saba laughted super loud while holding her stomach.

"OMG IM LIKE DEAD!HAHAHAHAH OMG IM DYING!" I said while dying of laughter.

"I wonder who pushed her mom down staris! AHAHAHA" saba said dying.

Then all of a sudden the whole building started to shake.

*rummble rummble*

"AAAAAH OMG OMG OMG AHAHAHA EARTHQUAKE!" Saba said scared and happy...

"AHAHAHAHA OMG SO COOL!" I screamed while jumping in air for joy!

after about 30 seconds it stoped. Ya this was our second earth quake! we had a small one as well in summer 2010 July...and now again...hahaha I love then since no harm is done since their only like a 4 on the rictor scale

Then saba stoped and said.

"I feel like were being watched!" saba said scared.

"I know right! I feel like someone is staring at us!" I said agreeing!

me and saba turned around and saw Val staring at us giving us an evil we gave her a dirty look back....she stood up started to cry and ran away.

"VAL WAIT" Bev screamd while running after her.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHA" me and saba said while litteraly on the floor rolling of but seriouls wer were on the floor lauhging...and like when i reall laugh i tend to hit likei started hitting saba and laughing.

"OH FREAK! THAT HURTS...YOU LIKE SCRATCH PUNCH!" Saba said while still laughing.

right before I was gonna say something funny the bell rang.

*Ring Ring*

"OH SHIT LETS GET TO CLASS" Saba said worried.

"Mkay lets go!" I said in a hurry.


Ok that's like it....FOR NOW ok okokkoko this chapter is kinda boring...but like next chapter will be better...i jsut wanted to get rid of the principal scrence...ok like next chapter will be funnier better and LONGER! hahahah ok okoko yayayayay enjoy :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2010 ⏰

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