~ Haru-chan's house here we come!~

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~To be a Princess~

Chapter 17

~Haru-chan's house here we come!~

Yuki's POV

I lazily laid on my firm not-so-cushion-like bed and stared into space with my muscles still slightly achy, especially my back. I'm still exhausted from that beach trip, even though it was a few days ago. It greatly affected my concentration when I tried to study for exams which led to longer hours of harsh studying which led to...extreme exhaustion and a very tired brain. Who knew beaches could do this to people? Lucky it's the weekend though! More resting time! But there's one thing that's worrying me a bit.

Father still hasn't returned from whatever conference meeting he had with whoever. It's worrying. Father said a few days not a week! What could've caused him to leave for so long? A quarrel with a rival dojo? Or...What if... What if the guards weren't around to protect father and he got kidnapped?!

Great! Now I'm starting to feel like Tamaki! Yes, we still have guards even though we're martial arts masters. After all we do occasionally have people come after us. Most of the time they either have a grudge against the Sukinozuka family and just wanted to ruin our dojo and its name. Like they did that day...

I sighed deeply as I rolled around on my bed. My life is full of problems.

Like the problem with Kaoru spotting me like that. Weak and defenseless. I must've looked like I'd gotten run over by a truck or something. An image of me with haggard hair draped over half my face and wide bloodshot eyes appeared from the depths of my mind. I visibly shivered and shook my head to clear the thought from my mind. Why do I get myself into these kind of situations? Well, I'm lucky he was nice enough not ask why I was crying like that. That would've been a whole lot worse.

Suddenly, a musical ringtone erupted from my phone and broke my train of thought. Oh no. It's probably the Host Club again... What a shame. I was looking forward to a weekend full of rest and tranquility! Not Host Club madness! I groaned as I rolled over and got off the bed to pick up the phone.

"Sorry. The person you called is unavailable. Please leave a message after the beep. BEEP!" I said robotically, in effort to trick whoever was calling me on my peaceful weekend.

"YUUUUUUKI! It is I, your loving father!" A cheery voice exclaimed. Even without stating his name, I knew who it was. The Host Club's King. "We're all headed over to Haruhi's place to make sure that her living environment is a-okay! That and the twins want to come over for her punishment."

"What?! I thought they had forgotten about that!" I shouted out loud. I quickly closed my mouth as I realized I wasn't supposed to be talking. Dammit!

"Eh? Who was that?" Tamaki asked, with genuine curiosity. Oh no.. I don't wanna end up in the middle of all this!

"Uh... This is the machine answerer...?" I mumbled in a monotone voice as I furrowed my eyebrows and bit my lip as i waited for his answer, hoping and hoping that he would believe me.

"WOW! That's amazing! What a clever contraption!" he exclaimed loudly into the microphone of the phone. Yes! Success! He bought it! No need to yell so loud though.

"Yes. I am quite smart!" I boasted as I smirked cheekily.

"THIS IS SO COOL! Hey Kyouya! Come here and listen to this! An answering machine with a mind of its own!" Tamaki called over urgently as rustling sounds were made. Oh no. Kyouya is there? He'll figure it out for sure!

"I highly doubt it Tamaki. Hello." Kyouya greeted formally with his 'cool' voice.

"Hello there Mister Ootori." I said robotically trying to make my voice unrecognizable.

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