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This is not a chapter, I just need to tell you a few things.

1. Sorry for taking forever to upload the next chapter, but it's longer than all the other chapters, and important things happen. Plus you get to meet new characters.

2. It took me a while to choose the cast, I already had the characters looks pictured in my head and it was hard to find the people who would do them justice.

3. I got almost the entire storyline planned. All the action and drama. Knowing where the story is going makes things easier for me.

4.If I ever make any mistakes whether they're grammatical or spelling mistakes or whatever please correct me.

5. And last but not least I'm changing the name of the story from Chasing Cars to Little Bird. I wanted to let you all know before I do it, to spare you all the confusion. I'm gonna change as soon as I post the 5th chapter to make sure that almost everyone knows.

Thank you all :)


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