Blond haired, Blue eyed ~•~6~•~

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•~~•~~•Author's Note•~~•~~• 

Sorry I haven't been a good writer and left ya'll readers  

Stuck, but ima try my best ta upload more often n build 

the plot. Better (filled with excitement n twists) 

but until then 

Bare with me (-.\\)' 

•~~•~~•~~•STORY START•~~•~~•~~• 

" Here we are." I mumbled to myself before looking back at Len, he's been quite since we drove off. "That's them" I informed before telling the driver to stop here. 

 We exited the car and entered into awkwardness. All eyes were on us. I began to feel uncomfortable and said something " Ah...hey!" I could tell I just made myself sound D-U-M-B! 

 "Hey there Rin!" Zilleon replied to my kind-of-sort-of greeting with a warm smile " I'm glad you actually came!" he said, which made my stomach flutter, but I blamed it on the nervousness of seeing the other faces in which I haven't seen before. 

" Yeah." I said as a little light blush of embarrassment crept onto my cheeks "...Oh and this is my twin brother Lenny." I introduced. 

 The brave and hyper attituded Millennia stepped forward and introduced herself " Hey my name is Millennia! It's nice to meet you and your sister, oh I sure hope you can PARTY!!" she said finishing her sentence with a mini dance. All I could think was shes so cute and adorable I smiled at my thought but I can tell her personality doesn't always follow suit.

 " It's nice to meet you too and Len is just fine, oh and I can Party!" Len said mimicing Millennia's dance. 

 We all laughed at what we just witnessed, even the people I didn't know. Somehow a large some of my nervousness went away and I was ready to have some fun. 

 "So...where are we going, cause I have the driver on standby." I said pointing to the Rolls Royce. 

 "Well we're going outside of town and we only brought one car, so do you mind if one of us get in your car?" Zilleon said. And me being me, I agreed 


 A girl named Sa-Se (pronounced: s-Ah-s-Ay, or sassy) got chosen to ride with Len and me. At first I was a bit disappointed because it wasn't Zilleon. But after a while I realized that Sa-Se is really cool. She dyed her naturaly red hair purple and yellow which looked awesome on her. She's in a band called Sa-Se's Lovers At Play a.k.a S.L.A.P, but they need a lead singer.  

 It was really great. We talked almost the whole way there! She didn't annoy me or made me want to kill her or myself, like how I used to feel when I talked to people for a while. Then I noticed that Len was quite the whole ride, this made me worry. He's been real quiet since we moved. 

Soon we arrived in front of a large house, almost as large as David's...almost. you can hear the music play loud and see people outside acting like fools. I frowned slightly. Just like before I thought. 

 Then I heard a knock on the window of the car I looked through the darkly tinted one sided window of the black Rolls Royce to see Trey, one of the three from earlier. He mouthed " co-me on!" and it didn't take long for Sa-Se to burst through the doors of the car And take Trey's hand.

 I mentally noted that they might be together. Then Len got out the car " Come on Rin!" He said with a small smile. I replied by smiling back and getting out the car too. As we made our way towards the house, the music slowly getting louder and louder.

Blond haired, Blue eyed (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now