Part 26. The Vampire's Maid

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Okay, before I start: The observant amongst (should I use amongst or among here??) you will have noticed that I have a new book cover courtesy of GUMBiiE. Thank you!!! :D Here you go:


I closed Ashley's door behind me, releasing a sigh of happiness.  The day had been dangerously close to perfect: Perfect because it had been with Ashley, dangerous because I was becoming wholly too comfortable in this house. I could have stayed with him for longer; even after spending the day with him I still longed for his company, his touch, his words. But we hadn't realised how late it had been until the sound of a car outside had alerted us to Goliath and Dane's arrival.

Cold air whipped around my shoulders through an open window at the end of the corridor. I pulled down on the heavy window and it slid shut with a snap, blocking out the winter air. It was oddly quiet when the breeze was no longer flowing through the house. Only the large clock that was mounted outside Goliath's room, ticking round to eight, punctuated the silence. But another sound made my heart leap to my mouth.

I stood, silent, as an elongated shadow crept up the staircase, ahead of its owner. Fear kept me planted to the spot as I listened, hoping that it wasn't Goliath who'd once hit me. Hoping that it wasn't Isaac who'd once attempted to kill me. I strained my ears. A wheezing sound.

I breathed a sigh of relief as the figure came into view. It was Dane. Although he was a vampire and I hated him for killing Ashley's mother, he'd never hurt me before.

"Girl," He rasped. "What are you doing?"

"Just enjoying the view." I said ambiguously.

I signalled to the window which gave a very clear view of the driveway. Although I hadn't seen anything, only one of the two black cars stood in the driveway.

Dane narrowed his eyes suspiciously, probably wondering if I knew anything about his late night wanderings. I smiled serenely.

"Was tonight's murder a success?" I asked, before I could stop myself. "Oh, I'm sorry. The correct term is 'hunting', isn't it?"

I knew that I shouldn't have said it. But looking into his bloodshot eyes, knowing how much pain he'd caused Ashley by murdering his mother, a rage overtook me that I didn't know I possessed.

His face was drawn into a threatening leer, his yellow teeth bared.

"Shut up, girl!" He snarled.

"Or what? You won't kill me. You only kill people under Goliath's orders."

Recognition flickered in his eyes. He knew now, surely, that I was referring to Elizabeth Sancruor's murder. His jaw clenches and fury pierced his features. In a flash he was lunging at me, grabbing my hands and yanking me forward with surprisingly strong muscles. I was numb for a second with shock, but then I reacted. I struggled, trying to get my arms free but they were held tight behind my back. For some reason that I couldn't place, I wasn't scared. I was just bemused; why had my words provoked such a reaction?

If someone attacks you I want you to scream Elizabeth. I'll come and find you.

Ashley's words bubbled up in my mind. That was the reason I wasn't scared; Ashley would come to protect me. I opened my mouth to yell his name but before I could get the first syllable out, Dane's hand clamped over my face.

"I told you, girl, to shut up!" 

With these words he yanked me towards the stairs and pushed me forcefully down the perilous drop. I fell, open-mouthed, banging my limbs on the sharp angled staircase. My head hit the wall and, hearing a crunching sound beneath me, I blacked out.

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