Three years ago: Chapter 2 - Devastation

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I became panicked. What happened? What's going on? Questions raced through my mind as I stiffly walked forward, eyes locked on the guard. It took everything I had to mask the panic. I almost exited the room, when with a start I realized I was still dressed in my billowy nightgown.

Quickly running into my closet, I grabbed the closest dress in reach, a dark blue, which hugged the upper half of my body and stopped just below the knee. After dressing, I returned to the guard and we shuffled out of the room.

Emergencies never turned out to be that serious, if anything, things like this happened because I was in trouble, or maybe a maid caught her dress on fire? Yeah, that's probably it, it has to be.

Your just being paranoid, calm down. Your a lady for crying out loud! Be calm.. calm.

I sped up when I reached the large open doors, gliding out into the Great Hall. The guard escorted me to the left, and I let my eyes wander up to the cathedral ceiling above. I silently prayed to Abalon that my face would stay blank, that I would keep my stance and not loose it in front of my father.

We reached the end of the long walk, meeting the balcony over looking the Main Hall. Its railing ran left and right, all the way to the two Grande Staircases, colliding with their railings. I randomly chose the one to the left, walking the length of the balcony. The white marble shone under our feet as we descended, and I squeezed the golden railing in a death grip all the way down. The stair case curved to the right at the bottom, and melted into the Main Hall, as did the other one.

The colossal silver chandelier glittered overhead, and I eyed the Main doors to my left longingly, wanting nothing more then to bolt for that very exit.

Reluctantly, I inched off the last step and nervously and turned right, as my escort followed on my heels. Immediately we were met with shining silver doors, stretching all the way to the ceiling and ending in an arch at the top. Carvings of beautiful dragons, and elaborate patterns were carved delicately into its surface.

The throne room.

I watched the guards standing as still as rocks reach for the curved handles and pull the grand doors wide open. I now stood, completely alone in the gaping mouth of the doors, sweating like a fool. The sight waiting for me was absolutely not what I had expected. I was frozen stiff, and I actually came to feel a twinge of fear as I looked into the eyes of my father.

He sat on his massive throne, over looking the entire room. My mother sat on the cold marble steps leading up to my father, kneeling upon them like a common beggar. Her body shook softly, and though her back was to me, I knew she was crying. My brother sat on the step closest to father, he was slumped over with his arms draped across his knees. He had a look on his face I had never seen him wear. Devastation?

"Mother?" I called, my voice hoarse.

Upon hearing my voice, she looked over her shoulder. Her startling green eyes were overflowing with tears, her hair was a mess and she was still in her night clothes. In fact, everyone was dressed as though this had been completely unexpected. Except for my father. The entire castle staff was scattered around the large ballroom, heads bowed down and hands clasped in front of them.

"Oh, Noir..." My mother moaned. My father gazed at me from his perch, eyes bloodshot. Kol stared at the floor completely zoned out, bags under his eyes. Their was an wedge in my mind, two dots dancing around in the back of my head, waiting to be connected.

"My daughter, please listen to me," father began, " is imperative for me to know you will keep under control after I explain." His eyes brimmed with tears and he glanced at the ceiling, choking on his last words. My brows furrowed, and I quickly let my eyes skim the room, looking for answers in the people around me. I found none.

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